
Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “Stop Asking Permission To Live Your Best Life” plus 1 more

Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “Stop Asking Permission To Live Your Best Life” plus 1 more

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Stop Asking Permission To Live Your Best Life

Posted: 06 Sep 2013 11:26 AM PDT

We are free to go in any direction we choose, but for all the choices we have in life it's amazing how many of us find ourselves in a situation we never would have chosen.

Despite our freedom to make our own decisions many of us fall under the weight of other people's expectations and as a result live a life we don't enjoy.

If you can relate to this feeling keep reading because there is hope.

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12 Ways to Boost Your Energy in the Morning

Posted: 06 Sep 2013 08:11 AM PDT

Are you a "morning person?"

You know, the type who jumps out of bed, bounding with energy and ready to face the day?

Me neither.

Most of us wake up feeling grumpy, grouchy and wishing we could crawl back into bed.

Here are a few tips to make mornings a bit more pleasant by increasing your energy.

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