
Dumb Little Man: The James Bond Guide To Ultimate Confidence

Dumb Little Man: The James Bond Guide To Ultimate Confidence

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The James Bond Guide To Ultimate Confidence

Posted: 04 Sep 2013 05:44 AM PDT

James Bond is confident, nay, he is confidence incarnate.

Ian Fleming created British Secret Service agent James Bond (aka "007") in his 1953 novel, Casino Royale. He went on to write 11 more James Bond novels and two short stories. Subsequently, 23 films based on the classic character have grossed a staggering $6 billion worldwide.

In each James Bond story, powerful men aim to destroy him and they always come close, but Bond remains calm and confident until victory, and always gets the girl to boot. What are his secrets to ultimate confidence? Let's dissect some classic Bond film moments to find out. It will be fun. Very fun.
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