
Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “Worried About Job Security? Use These Tips To Become Immune To Layoffs In A Tough Economy.” plus 1 more

Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “Worried About Job Security? Use These Tips To Become Immune To Layoffs In A Tough Economy.” plus 1 more

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Worried About Job Security? Use These Tips To Become Immune To Layoffs In A Tough Economy.

Posted: 31 Jul 2013 07:23 AM PDT

How secure is my job?  Can I rely on my source of income in the future?

With the economy in the sorry state it is in, these are questions we all ask ourselves far too often. Between news stories of big companies doing massive layoffs, outsourcing of jobs, and new technology making some jobs obsolete, it is enough to leave you in a constant whirlwind of anxiety and worry for your financial future.

There is a lot of information available about how to obtain a job, all of the way from filling out applications to interviewing skills, and even how to network. But there is almost no material available about how to keep your job when you get it!

That topic is what I am going to discuss with you.

There is one skill that will enable you stop asking the dreadful question "How secure is my employment" once and for all.

The secret of being immune to layoffs all starts with understanding one word:
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Achieve Your Goals and Get Rid Of Those Limiting Beliefs by Asking 3 Simple Questions

Posted: 31 Jul 2013 06:37 AM PDT

Dr. Friedemann Schaub, author of "The Fear & Anxiety Solution" (Sounds True Publications, 2012), states that one of the biggest causes of fear and anxiety that surrounds our daily lives is self-limiting beliefs.

These core beliefs define the rules and regulations that individuals create for themselves and are responsible for impacting the way a person thinks and acts. These core beliefs can form an important strength for personal development or can prove to be a barrier for growth.

Limiting beliefs impact our routine-decision making, although many people might not even be aware of these beliefs. For example, many people believe that they will be unable to learn to touch type or type with speed and efficiency, just because they have always used a slower method. Years of habit can mean that this belief is deep-rooted within their minds, and it therefore becomes an obstacle in achieving this particular goal.

Such limiting beliefs arise from our subconscious minds and are often unquestioned. Many people just accept their inability to do a particular job simply because of their beliefs and this results in an inability to achieve self-actualization. Without limitations, a person has the ability to realize their true potential.
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