
Dumb Little Man: Your Time is Money: What if You Were Worth $300 an Hour?

Dumb Little Man: Your Time is Money: What if You Were Worth $300 an Hour?

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Your Time is Money: What if You Were Worth $300 an Hour?

Posted: 30 Jun 2013 08:08 AM PDT

Last winter was a frantic time for my company. The entire team was being pulled in a thousand different directions. I could barely keep my head above the flood of emails, calls, and meetings — each one was more urgent than the last. We were all pushing ourselves to work beyond our capacity, and it was exhausting.

It's hard to feel productive when every minute of every day is crammed with work. Our client relationships suffered. So did our community outreach. The things that were essential for business success — team unity, fulfillment, and happiness — were all failing.

So my team and I made a change. It was subtle and didn't cost a dime, but it changed everything.
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