
Dumb Little Man: Are Fees And Charges Draining Your Bank Account? Use These Tips To Save Money at the Bank.

Dumb Little Man: Are Fees And Charges Draining Your Bank Account? Use These Tips To Save Money at the Bank.

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Are Fees And Charges Draining Your Bank Account? Use These Tips To Save Money at the Bank.

Posted: 24 Jul 2013 07:07 AM PDT

Are you losing your hard earned money due to fees and charges from your bank?

It seems ironic that the place where we put our money to try and keep it safe is one of the places that try and hit us with the most hidden charges and overinflated fees.

The sad reality is that banking is not free, nor is it cheap and if you want to truly protect your money, you have to know how to continue doing so even once it has been placed into your account.
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