
Dumb Little Man: 20 Questions to Know Yourself Better and Unlock the Immense Potential Within

Dumb Little Man: 20 Questions to Know Yourself Better and Unlock the Immense Potential Within

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20 Questions to Know Yourself Better and Unlock the Immense Potential Within

Posted: 12 Jul 2013 07:36 AM PDT

"Know Thyself"

All of us have heard this aphorism. Most of us acknowledge that unless you know yourself first, you really can't achieve much in life. We also realize that we each have immense potential to create amazing things and find lasting happiness.

And yet....

Most of us don't even scratch the surface of knowing who we really are, let alone figuring out what we have the potential to become. We are so confused that we keep oscillating between overconfidence and low self-esteem. One minute we are filled with a definite purpose for life and the next we are completely desolate. How can anyone hope to find lasting happiness in this state?

In my quest for clarity, purpose and self growth, I've come to realize that asking the right questions, is sometimes in itself the answer. Here is a list of 20 questions to get to started on a journey of self-discovery, releasing the potential that is trapped within and consequently finding lasting happiness.

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