
Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “Hydroxycut Asks, Is Healthy Food Really More Expensive? You Might Be Surprised At The Answer.” plus 1 more

Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “Hydroxycut Asks, Is Healthy Food Really More Expensive? You Might Be Surprised At The Answer.” plus 1 more

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Hydroxycut Asks, Is Healthy Food Really More Expensive? You Might Be Surprised At The Answer.

Posted: 25 Jul 2013 01:23 PM PDT

At Hydroxycut, I have learned a great deal about how an active lifestyle and targeted meal plan can lead to weight loss.

Fresh produce and other quality food items are the best ingredients if you are looking to create a diet that will help you to reach your weight loss goals, but many people assume that maintaining a healthy lifestyle is too expensive.

In fact, I have found that numerous people cite the inflated prices of organic and locally-grown ingredients as one of the primary reasons that they are still holding on to the processed foods that keep them from losing weight. But the truth is that healthy foods are just as affordable -- if not more so -- than their processed counterparts!
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Is Inactivity Slowing You Down? Reach Your Goals Using The Wisdom of Action.

Posted: 25 Jul 2013 08:40 AM PDT

You know you should take more action. Something doesn't feel right about the 50th blog post you read in a day. Something's missing.

It's action.

We gather up the best tools and tricks and knowledge the world has to offer. We bookmark them and even take notes.

Then we go to bed and lie there and wonder, "What the hell happened today?"

Then you realize, "Ha! I forgot to take action. Tomorrow I will do everything I said I would today."

Maybe you fall asleep easy after that. Or maybe something is still nagging at you. It's your subconscious telling you, "Bullshit."

Because that's what you've said every night for years.

Maybe I'm just talking about myself here. I don't think so, though.
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