
Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “Is Your Job Putting Your Health At Risk? 8 Ways To Survive Cubicle Lifestyle And Take Care Of Your Health.” plus 1 more

Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “Is Your Job Putting Your Health At Risk? 8 Ways To Survive Cubicle Lifestyle And Take Care Of Your Health.” plus 1 more

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Is Your Job Putting Your Health At Risk? 8 Ways To Survive Cubicle Lifestyle And Take Care Of Your Health.

Posted: 16 Jul 2013 10:53 AM PDT

Many of us don't do physical labor for a living.  Instead we work in offices and many of us automatically assume that cubicle jobs are harmless to our health.
After all we don't carry, lift, move or do anything that requires serious muscle work. All we use are our brain and our hands to move, create and  enter data into a computer.

Probably the only physical activity we do during our work hours is to walk to the bathroom, bring some water, walk over to a colleague to consult/chat about something and go to lunch.

So, how can an office job like that be harmful to our health?

It can be...

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Stop Living In Isolation! Get The Most Out Of Life With 10 Tips to Expand Your Social and Business Circles.

Posted: 16 Jul 2013 06:42 AM PDT

Is your social life lacking?

Do you spend most of your time alone with nothing to do and nobody to do it with?

Are you tired of wanting to go out and experience new things, but have virtually nobody to do it with?

What about work?  Are you looking to increase your boundaries and finally reach your potential?

Knowing others could really help.  Whether it's your social or business circle, that's lacking, this article will offer ten tips on how to expand them to help you get the most out of life and be that person you were truly meant to be.
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