
Dumb Little Man: It’s All About the Follow-Through: Turning Goal-Setting into Goal-Achieving

Dumb Little Man: It’s All About the Follow-Through: Turning Goal-Setting into Goal-Achieving

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It’s All About the Follow-Through: Turning Goal-Setting into Goal-Achieving

Posted: 15 Jul 2013 06:38 AM PDT

A pro golfer doesn't halt his stroke as soon as he launches the ball into the air.

A major leaguer doesn't stop his swing as soon as the bat hits the ball. He follows through and finishes his swing.

Without following through, each of their actions would be useless.

Setting goals is worthless without the follow-through. That's what transforms those objectives into reality.

When it comes to your goals — personal or business-related — these three major components of the goal-achieving process will help you hit a home run. 
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