
Dumb Little Man: Five Reasons to Think Before You Speak

Dumb Little Man: Five Reasons to Think Before You Speak

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Five Reasons to Think Before You Speak

Posted: 27 Jul 2013 07:46 AM PDT

Last week, I was about to walk into a Whole Foods while a twenty-something year-old man was heading out.  I was carrying a gym bag, a purse and a couple branded shopping totes for the items I expected to pick up. In other words, my hands were more than full. The young man had an ear bud wired to his cell phone which was tucked into his shirt pocket and was eating a scone. 

His load was much lighter than mine, yet he seemed to wait for me to open the door.  I did and, after not hearing any words of thanks from him, made sure I relayed a very audible, "You're welcome."

He stared at me and blinked. Yes, I was sarcastic. Yes, I was angry. I felt he was self-pre-occupied, inconsiderate and should be ashamed of himself.
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