
Dumb Little Man: Don't Waste Another Day! Get Motivated With 8 Ways To Put A Rocket Under Your Butt And Get 2013 Back On Track!

Dumb Little Man: Don't Waste Another Day! Get Motivated With 8 Ways To Put A Rocket Under Your Butt And Get 2013 Back On Track!

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Don't Waste Another Day! Get Motivated With 8 Ways To Put A Rocket Under Your Butt And Get 2013 Back On Track!

Posted: 17 Jul 2013 06:39 AM PDT

You have two choices when you look at today's calendar.

You can think "It's July. I can't believe 2013 is half over! What happened to all my goals?"

Or, you can think "It's July. That means I still have half a year to demolish all my goals!"

Can we agree that the second choice is the way to go? Then let's also agree we won't spend a single moment on "coulda woulda shoulda."

Instead, let's channel that mental energy into getting 2013 back on track.

How to begin?
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