
Dumb Little Man: 6 Unconventional, But Scientific Ways To Be The Happiest Person On Earth

Dumb Little Man: 6 Unconventional, But Scientific Ways To Be The Happiest Person On Earth

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6 Unconventional, But Scientific Ways To Be The Happiest Person On Earth

Posted: 26 Jul 2013 02:23 PM PDT


There isn't a single human being who doesn't want it, and for many, it is the primary pursuit in life.

Conventional wisdom tells us that we need a good job, a great family life, and 11.5 months of vacation time to be happy. But we're going to focus on some lesser known factors of happiness that anyone can apply immediately. We'll even meet "the happiest man in the world" and hear his secret of happiness!

These six pieces of advice will increase your happiness if followed, which is a good enough reward itself, but I'll add that happiness leads to better health just for fun.
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