
Dumb Little Man: How You Can Instantly Improve Your Productivity and Focus Using Agile Results for Extreme Productivity

Dumb Little Man: How You Can Instantly Improve Your Productivity and Focus Using Agile Results for Extreme Productivity

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How You Can Instantly Improve Your Productivity and Focus Using Agile Results for Extreme Productivity

Posted: 05 Jul 2013 09:31 AM PDT

I work in a complex, high stress environment with a lot of moving parts as I'm sure many of you do too. Everybody needs to do more with less. There's always more to do than there are hours in a day. There's always information overload. It's super competitive and everybody works hard to get better just to keep up.

Sound familiar?

I wanted to create a system that would help me rise above the noise, do less to achieve more, and get an extreme advantage in terms of personal productivity. I wanted to combine and integrate the best practices for personal productivity, time management, motivation, positive psychology, and project management into a super system for getting results.

I wanted the system to be simple, holistic, easy to use, easy to start, and easy to get back on, whenever I fall off the system.

That's how Agile Results was born (the system I share inside of my book, Getting Results the Agile Way.)

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