
Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “How To Battle The 5 Powers of a Real-Life Zombie” plus 1 more

Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “How To Battle The 5 Powers of a Real-Life Zombie” plus 1 more

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How To Battle The 5 Powers of a Real-Life Zombie

Posted: 01 Aug 2013 11:05 AM PDT

George Romero started something big when he produced Night Of The Living Dead back in 1968. Not only did he create a legacy for himself and develop a new horror sub-genre, but he also refined the term "zombie".

Pop culture zombies are exactly what you know them as: infected or cursed, flesh-eating, lifeless, half-alive, reanimated corpses that serve and have no purpose. One good shot to the head, and it's game over.

But that's not the zombie I'm talking about.

I'm talking about the zombie in you and me. The part of you that...
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Life Is Stressful! Here Are 17 Ways to Relax and Reduce Stress at Home That Anyone Can Use.

Posted: 01 Aug 2013 07:56 AM PDT

These days, our lives are more stressful than ever, or at least it seems that way.

Many of us are working longer hours for less money and facing all kinds of stress, so it's no wonder that we find it hard to unwind and relax when we get home.

Don't fear though because there are plenty of things that you can do to help eliminate some stress from your life.

Here are a few ideas for how to unwind, de-stress and generally relax once you finally get away from the office.  Put some of these techniques to work for you and you will be on your way to blowing off some steam and finding some relaxation after a hard day of work.
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