
Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “Go Clutter-Free and Boost Your Productivity” plus 1 more

Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “Go Clutter-Free and Boost Your Productivity” plus 1 more

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Go Clutter-Free and Boost Your Productivity

Posted: 05 Aug 2013 12:03 PM PDT

We've got a lot of distractions. Between the TV, our laptops, our smartphones, our friends and our jobs, there's a lot going on a lot of the time.

It's hard to be creative, to be innovative and to just be productive when you have a million different things grabbing your attention. How are you supposed to just hunker down and focus? How can you increase your productivity without decreasing your morale?

On average, employees waste 4.3 hours per week looking for items that have wandered from their original spot. It's easy to see why that leads to stress and frustration – think how hot and bothered you get when you can't find the TV remote in the couch cushions.
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Computer Programming Bootcamp Is A New Way To Change Your Career Practically Overnight

Posted: 05 Aug 2013 08:40 AM PDT

Do you hate your job? Do you want a career change for whatever reason?

If so, you might feel like you have to stick it out, because living with no income is tricky and job experience doesn't always transfer well to unrelated fields. But I'm going to share with you a new way to change careers, and do it fast. This option wasn't even available until early 2012.

There is one big caveat - it's computer programming only: if you are interested to learn programming, you can realistically change your career very quickly (and profitably) by enrolling in a programming boot camp. If programming isn't for you and you still want out, my offhand suggestion is to look into freelancing or consulting with your current skill set (at sites like Odesk or Elance). But if you are open to programming as a career, you'll be acutely interested to read the next sentence.
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