
Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “12 Proven Ways to Make Friends at Work (Without Emptying Your Wallet)” plus 1 more

Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “12 Proven Ways to Make Friends at Work (Without Emptying Your Wallet)” plus 1 more

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12 Proven Ways to Make Friends at Work (Without Emptying Your Wallet)

Posted: 09 Aug 2013 02:28 PM PDT

You're stuck eating lunch by yourself again.

Perhaps this is exactly what you wanted.

Or perhaps, you secretly wish you could join your colleagues each time they gather at that fancy restaurant nearby. They must be having a great time. If only that place wasn't so expensive!

So you're here all by yourself. The office feels like one giant, empty place. While you slowly eat your food in silence, you start to wonder what your coworkers may be saying about you.

Perhaps they are gossiping about how poor you are because you don't eat out like they do. Or maybe they are starting to think you're anti-social. Worse of all, maybe they are not even talking about you. You just don't really exist anymore in their world.

You've simply been forgotten.
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Strive For Perfection By Avoiding These 5 Misconceptions Young People Tend to Believe

Posted: 09 Aug 2013 09:18 AM PDT

Being in your twenties is great.

You've recently exited your teenage years and even though you've finally started to realize you don't know everything, there is still a hint of the omniscience you used to believe you possessed and haven't fully outgrown.
Your whole life is in front of you and you can eat what you want.

Even though it sounds good on paper, most of these understandings you might have are absolutely wrong, utterly false, and completely not true. Let me set you straight.


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