
Top Stories of the Day // April 19, 2013


The countdown is on: only 10 days left until Disrupt NY returns 4/29-5/1 with a massive agenda that includes speakers like Chris Dixon, Ashton Kutcher, Bill Gurley, Fred Wilson, Ron Conway, and many more. Register Here

Today's Top Stories // Apr 19, 2013

Durex's New Long-Distance Sexy Time Fundawear Is Exactly That

The thought of buying underwear from the same company that makes your condoms might sound shocking at first. But don't be so quick to judge, especially where... read more

Woz: Apple's Share Price May Be Disappointing Now, But They Will Probably Surprise Us All

Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple with Steve Jobs, said today that Apple's share price, which hit a 16-month low two days ago, is "disappointing" but that he... read more

HTC One Now On Sale Across The U.S., Now We Find Out If HTC Has Done Enough

The HTC One, the Taiwanese company's flagship smartphone device, goes on sale today across the U.S. at retail stores including AT&T, Sprint, Best Buy,... read more

Mall App Tracks Shoppers With Ultrasonic Device

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Amazon Is Finally Setting Up Shop In Russia, Says Report, Expanding Its International Footprint Again

E-commerce giant Amazon looks like it is gearing up for the latest chapter in its international expansion: an operation in Russia. According to this article in... read more

Formation 8 Raises Its First Fund Of $448M To Plug Silicon Valley Startups Into Asian Conglomerates

Formation 8 wants to bring venture capital back to its roots: investing in solutions to hard technology problems that could change the world. It just raised its... read more

Google's One Today App Aims To Make Charitable Donations A More Social, And Frequent, Experience

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Former Googlers Launch Synergyse, An Interactive In-App Training Service For Google Apps

Today, over five million businesses are now using Google Apps to help their employees collaborate and connect via the cloud. In just a few years, the adoption... read more

Airbnb Open Sources Rendr, A Library For Running Backbone.js Apps On Both Client And Server

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How Mobile Personal Assistant Donna Simplifies Your Life By Combining Design And Data

I've already told you about Donna, the new mobile personal assistant from Incredible Labs. But if you haven't actually had a chance to play with the app... read more

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