
THE GAMUTT: Entertainment /Lifestyle Blog

THE GAMUTT: Entertainment /Lifestyle Blog

Watch #Coachella Music Fest LIVE STREAM HERE!!! [video]

Posted: 13 Apr 2013 06:11 PM PDT

Didn't get to The Coachella Music Fest this year?? Watch the LOVE STREAM of all the festivities RIGHT HERE!!!

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Celeb Birthday ROLL CALL: April 13- #AlGreen, #PeaboBryson, #BaronDavis & More!

Posted: 13 Apr 2013 05:52 PM PDT


Check out the BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE celebrating or who WOULD HAVE been celebrating on April 13th!!!!

Wassup Gammites,

I'm back with some birthday and a special picture I created last night while drinking. HA! But lets start with today's birthdays...

This dude right here shared a lot with his music. I can listen to his art every day. His gospel sounding jams is All about love and happiness. Happy Birthday to this soulman Mr. AL GREEN (67)

PEABO BRYSON (62) (singer)

THOMAS JEFFERSON (3rd President of the USA) (would be 270 today)

BARON DAVIS (34) (NBA NY Knicks)

KYLE HOWARD (35) (actor)

And special birthday shout out to my girl SHANNEN DOHERTY (turned 42 yesterday)

Now here's a silly collage celeb pic i created last night while drinking and watching the Madea play. LLS Enjoy ya beautiful weekend everybody and drink responsibly!

Happy Birthday ALL!!!!

*Contributed by GJAX LEWIS*

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Saturday Slingback- #3LW -'I Do (Wanna Get Close To You)' feat. #Loon [video]

Posted: 13 Apr 2013 11:49 AM PDT

Before the nasty break-up and that ladies partes for various other gigs in 'the industry', girl trio 3LW did churn out a few hits.  Too bad girl groups usually implode from within.  But i digress, the Saturday Sling Back is one of their hits, 'I Do (Wanna get close to you).  DIG IN!!

I wonder if they reunited now would they call themselves 3GW?? Just a thought! Dancing in water ALWAYS makes more impact, right?? It looks like these girls were THROWING DOWN with all that SPLASHING, RIGHT??


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Is #KobeBryant's CAREER OVER after another INJURY! Bryant RANTS on FACEBOOK #LebronJames REACTS!!

Posted: 13 Apr 2013 06:03 PM PDT

Kobe Bryant clutched his leg after being injured in the second half Friday night.

So it appears Kobe Bryant has injured himself again, and this time he could REALLY BE DOWN for the COUNT!!

Bryant was so MAD about his latest injury that he voiced his CONCERN by letting off a MAJOR FACEBOOK RANT!!

The Lakers superstar was up at 3:30AM nursing the injury he suffered in Friday night's game when he started GOING IN!

 "This is such BS! All the training and sacrifice just flew out the window with one step that I've done millions of times! The frustration is unbearable. The anger is rage."

Bryant will have an MRI on today to determine the exact nature of the injury.

GET THE SCOOP after the JUMP!!

Here is Kobe's FULL Facebook TIRADE:

"This is such BS! All the training and sacrifice just flew out the window with one step that I've done millions of times! The frustration is unbearable. The anger is rage. Why the hell did this happen ?!? Makes no damn sense. Now I'm supposed to come back from this and be the same player Or better at 35?!? How in the world am I supposed to do that??

I have NO CLUE. Do I have the consistent will to overcome this thing? Maybe I should break out the rocking chair and reminisce on the career that was. Maybe this is how my book ends. Maybe Father Time has defeated me...Then again maybe not! It's 3:30am, my foot feels like dead weight, my head is spinning from the pain meds and I'm wide awake. Forgive my Venting but what's the purpose of social media if I won't bring it to you Real No Image?? Feels good to vent, let it out. To feel as if THIS is the WORST thing EVER! Because After ALL the venting, a real perspective sets in. There are far greater issues/challenges in the world then a torn achilles. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, find the silver lining and get to work with the same belief, same drive and same conviction as ever.

One day, the beginning of a new career journey will commence. Today is NOT that day.

"If you see me in a fight with a bear, prey for the bear". Ive always loved that quote. Thats "mamba mentality" we don't quit, we don't cower, we don't run. We endure and conquer.

I know it's a long post but I'm Facebook Venting LOL. Maybe now I can actually get some sleep and be excited for surgery tomorrow. First step of a new challenge.

Guess I will be Coach Vino the rest of this season. I have faith in my teammates. They will come thru.

Thank you for all your prayers and support. Much Love Always.

Mamba Out"

He seems to have regained his composure by the end. Sometimes you just need to VENT! Let's hope Bryant is OKAY!

Lebron James chimed in to support Kobe:


Damn man i feel bad for @kobebryant . If there's anybody and i mean anybody who can come back from that injury it would be him! Best wishes!

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WHAT IS THIS!? #WillieTaylor of #Day26 REMIXES 'Kisses Down Low'!! [audio]

Posted: 13 Apr 2013 10:49 AM PDT

Well, we should have seen this coming.  When you have a HOT SINGLE, it seems that EVERYONE and ANYONE wants to HOP ON IT and make their own 'REMIX'.  Some are good, some well...case in point.

Remember Willie Taylor from the defunct' Day 26'?  Well, he takes a stab at Kelly Rowland's SUPER HOT, 'Kisses Down Low'.  Hmm, just listen for yourself and tell me what you think?????



SOME things should just be left untempered!  That was pretty LAME!!!

REALLY Willie???? Are you listening to the same track we are??????

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New Video: #FrankOcean- 'Lost'

Posted: 13 Apr 2013 12:57 AM PDT

Frank Ocean, who manages to stay just under the radar, is back with a New VIDEO from 'Channel Orange' in the form of 'Lost'.

In the clip, we get to know Ocean just a little bit more.  Aside from his now infamous 'Open Letter', Ocean rarely lets the fans in on his personal life...UNTIL NOW!!


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#KellyRowland REVEALS Release Date for 'Talk A Good Game'!!

Posted: 13 Apr 2013 12:35 AM PDT

Are you READY for Kelly Rowland's 4th solo disc 'Talk A Good Game'!?!  Well with the SUCCESS of her 1st single, 'Kisses Down Low', Kelly is is STRAIGHT PROMO MODE for the new project.  In an interview this week, Rowland REVEALED the release date for 'TAGG'!!!



'Talk A Good Game' will IMPACT on

JUNE 18th!!!!

The disc boasts production by Mike Will Made It, Pharrell and will feature none other than Beyonce, and Wiz Khalifa to name a FEW!!!

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Posted: 13 Apr 2013 12:18 AM PDT

Well, after all of the contoversy surrounding Rapper Rick Ross's 'U.O.E.N.O' lyrics from Rocko's hit song, you would figure an APOLOGY would soon follow right?  They lyrics in question seemed to IMPLY 'Date Rape' and because of that implication, Ross was dropped by Reebok.

A few days later, Rozay speaks on the matter!!!

Check out Ross' statement after the JUMP!!

From the lips of The BAWSE:

"Before I am an artist, I am a father, a son, and a brother to some of the most cherished women in the world. So for me to suggest in any way that harm and violation be brought to a woman is one of my biggest mistakes and regrets. As an artist, one of the most liberating things is being able to paint pictures with my words. But with that comes a great responsibility. And most recently, my choice of words was not only offensive, it does not reflect my true heart. And for this, I apologize. To every woman that has felt the sting of abuse, I apologize. I recognize that as an artist I have a voice and with that, the power of influence. To the young men who listen to my music, please know that using a substance to rob a woman of her right to make a choice is not only a crime, it's wrong and I do not encourage it. To my fans, I also apologize if I have disappointed you. I can only hope that this sparks a healthy dialogue and that I can contribute to it."

Well thought out.  I wonder who wrote this for him.  We know DAMN WELL he didn't come up with this on his own.  Well at least a statement from the camp was released.  This may not get him his endorsement back, but at least he will be a bit more CAUTIOUS with his WORD PLAY next time.


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1st Listen- #Fantasia 'Without Me' Feat. #KellyRowland & Missy! [audio]

Posted: 13 Apr 2013 12:08 AM PDT

Screen Shot 2013 04 12 at 22.30.59 New Song: Fantasia   Without Me (Ft Kelly Rowland & Missy Elliott)

A few weeks back I mentioned that Fantasia had secured a HOTTER than HOT collabo for her upcoming, 'Side Effects of You' disc.  Well, a few weeks early we have your 1st Listen of the track, 'Without You' featuring Kelly Rowland and Missy Elliot!!!



'Side Effects' is shaping up quite NICELY!!!!

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