
Top Stories of the Day // May 7, 2014


Today's Top Stories // May 7, 2014

Comcast CEO Neil Smit Says Improving Customer Service Is His Top Priority

Comcast Cable President and CEO Neil Smit spoke at Disrupt New York today, discussing his company's recent deal with Netflix, his thoughts on Aereo, and more.... read more

Codeanywhere, The Google Docs For Developers, Rocks Startup Alley At Disrupt NY

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Google Debuts Classroom, An Education Platform For Teacher-Student Communication

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An Awkward First Date Shot Through Google Glass

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Apple Reportedly Discontinues The iPhone 4 In India After Recent Relaunch

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The 6 Disrupt NY Finalists: Boomerang Commerce, ISI Technology, Mimi, Mink, Showkit and Vurb

Oh New York in the springtime! In the past two days, 1600 people have passed through the Manhattan Center for TechCrunch Disrupt NY, in hopes of seeing or being... read more

Twitter Tanks To New Record Lows As Hundreds Of Millions Of Its Shares Unlock

Today a massive quantity of Twitter stock unlocked, allowing shareholders in the firm that have long held stock in the social giant to sell their equity. The... read more


Watch The Disrupt NY Day 3 Live Stream Here!

 This is the beginning of the end. Day 3 of TechCrunch Disrupt NY has officially begun, and we've saved... read more

SV Angel And People.co To Launch An NFL Combine For Hackers, Draft.Me

 Recruiting great technical talent is a challenge for small startups, later stage companies and even public... read more

Coin Demoes The Tech That Scored A $15.5M Round Led By Red Point

 People haven't shut up about Coin since the credit card replacement debuted in November, yet we've never... read more

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