
Dumb Little Man: Embrace These 15 Qualities And Success Is Yours

Dumb Little Man: Embrace These 15 Qualities And Success Is Yours

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Embrace These 15 Qualities And Success Is Yours

Posted: 13 May 2014 06:11 AM PDT

successMy friends think I achieved a lot. I'm a full-time blogger and I just moved to London from South India. I can live where I want, and I spend my days pretty much how I like. It took me lots of hard work and self improvement to achieve this stage, and although there are many more things I need to learn, some lessons I already learnt and live by. Here they are, and I hope they will help you to become a better and happier human being. 1. Stability. Most people are slaves to their emotions. With their emotions going down they also go down, and when their emotions go up, they rejoice. Try to master your emotions – refuse to be affected by them. […]

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