
THE GAMUTT: Entertainment /Lifestyle Blog

THE GAMUTT: Entertainment /Lifestyle Blog

#Ciara shares 1st photo of new baby boy and his 'INTERESTING' name! [pics]

Posted: 20 May 2014 11:22 PM PDT

By now you KNOW that R&B star, Ciara gave birth to a BIG baby boy on yesterday.  The newborn weighs in at almost 10 lbs!  YEEZUS CHRIST--I hope she had a C-section!  But anyways, we now know the baby's name and CiCi shares a CUTE CANDID 1st photo of her son!


#DWTS Season 18 Finale! #ArianaGrande & IggyAzalea PERFORM! [video]

Posted: 20 May 2014 10:58 PM PDT

Did you miss the SEASON FINALE of 'Dancing with the Stars'!??  Well Iggy Azalea got 'Fancy' and there was a 'Problem' with Ariana Grande.  Apparently Iggy had a 'PROBLEM' with her earpiece early on, but soon got it together.
 Check out their performances!

Iggy Azalea - Fancy - DWTS 18 (Finale) by IdolxMuzic

"Iam so sorry guys! My in ears messed up and I couldn't hear the track," tweeted Iggy about the troubles she had early on. "The dramas of live TV. Shit happens. Still really enjoyed it."

Now WATCH Ariana Grande try to SEX it UP a bit with her performance...

Ariana Grande - Problem - DWTS 18 (Finale) by IdolxMuzic

Aww wasn't that cute.


Mag Tag: #CristianoRonaldo GOES NAKED for #Vogue with #IrinaShayk! [pics]

Posted: 20 May 2014 10:21 PM PDT

MOVE OVER KIM and KANYE! We have another SEXY DUO steaming up the cover of 'Vogue'! Cristiano Ronaldo, currently the world's best soccer player, and Irina Shayk, currently one of the world's most sought-after supermodels, are a pretty potent power couple. So the pair appearing in Vogue Espana this month has captured plenty of attention.


(Pics: Vogue.com)


Moods & Moments: #MichaelJackson 'Liberian Girl' [video]

Posted: 20 May 2014 01:54 AM PDT

Jut like in the movies
You Move me
From the time
You walked onto the scene.
You are the woman in my Dreams

Straight from the Motherland.
Our chance encounter is just at hand.
Too nervous to make the 1st move.

I stare as you glide across the screen.
I look at you you look at me,
I love you Liberian girl.

But you don't see me.
Why can't you see me?

I close my eyes and imagine you
Here with me.

I kiss you you kiss me.
I love you
Liberian Girl.
Beauty crept in at night and stole my heart.

*Zam Zhinga

Beauty comes under the cloak of night and sent me in this direction.  Michael Jackson had a WAY with words and a WAY with people.  Check this CLASSIC video with a SLEW of A-List CAMEOS in tow. as The King of Pop describes his PERFECT WOMAN.....

Just like in the MOVIE..... MJ forever.....


The Gamutt #AfterDark- Let's talk #SEX- 15 MISCONCEPTIONS about the #PENIS!

Posted: 20 May 2014 01:41 AM PDT


Like Micheal Jackson SINGS, 'Tell em it's just HUMAN NATURE!'

Let's talk about it... THE MALE GENITALIA is up 1st.  What are some COMMON MISCONCEPTIONS about the PENIS!? Does size MATTER?  What's considered AVERAGE and what's considered just TOO MUCH.  Are certain RACES more ENDOWNED than others... Check these COMMON MISCONCEPTIONS about the PENIS.

Does size REALLY MATTER to women? NOT REALLY. One study actually found that it's largely the MEN who are dissatisfied with the size of their PENIS. Meanwhile most women (85%) reported being satisfied with their partner's size.

Some MEN think they can COMPENSATE for other 'shortcomings' in their personality by having a larger penis... NOT TRUE!

In fact, for most women, the size of a man's tool is pretty far down on the list of priorities when it comes to a man's attractiveness. Personality, hygiene, ambition and sense of humor come far before that!

Black men are MORE ENDOWED than other races. NOT NECCESARILY!


Many ethnicities have been shafted (no pun intended) by the myth that men within that ethnicity have less than desirably-sized members. But there has been no evidence to prove that size varies between races.

Penis size DECREASES as you AGE? not.

Another widely spread rumor is that older men have smaller members, but studies have found no overall shrinkage as a man ages.


Average penis size is 8 inches!? WRONG. ACTUALLY for ALL RACES the average size is 5-6 inches.

Men can F*Ck all night for HOURS! Not TRUE! LOL No matter what we say, to get you in the mood. We will not be FUCKING for hours! The real measurement of how long a man can last is how long he can last if he is constantly thrusting. If a man thrusts a little, stops, drinks some water, starts again, stops, changes positions etc. sure, maybe he will last an hour. But that's not a real hour. With constant thrusting, most men will finish in three to seven minutes.

DON'T BELIEVE the HYPE!! LOL. There are a lot MORE MISCONCEPTIONS about the MALE GENITALIA here at MademNoire!


Vibes from the Vault: #StevieWonder & #PaulMcCartney 'Ebony and Ivory' [video]

Posted: 20 May 2014 01:07 AM PDT

This is probably the HOAKIEST video from the 80's but the MESSAGE is POIGNANT.  Let's go back to 1982.  POP MUSIC ROYALTY UNITE for this duet--Stevie Wonder and Paul McCartney team up for a socially conscious message about RACIAL EQUALITY.  Even the the VIDEO is CHEESY and the play on the colors Black & White in the video is CORNY for sure, but the MESSAGE RINGS CLEAR LOUDLY.

WHY CAN'T 'Ebony' & 'Ivory' live together in PERFECT HARMONY?  We are DIFFERENT.. true enough, but why not just accept these differences and ACCEPT the person just for WHO they ARE and not THEIR COLOR?  This was 1982--it's 2014 and we STILL don't have that answer.....

On a PIANO you need both the WHITE and the BLACK KEYS to make a HARMONY.  You need the white paper and the black ink to send a MESSAGE, right?  They HAVE to go together.. WHY DON'T WE???


LOL: Stealing Gas Prank with #RomanAtwood goes HORRIBLY WRONG...in the 'HOOD' [video]

Posted: 20 May 2014 12:58 AM PDT

Does it not feel that GAS PRICES are jumping up by nickles and dimes lately!?  You go to bed and WAKE UP and GAS has JUMPED by a dime.  SO...you can see why people might be MAD at this PRANK.  A youtube JOKER thinks its a FUNNY PRANK to make it appear that he is STEALING GAS from people's VEHICLES!  He just chose the WRONG NEIGHBORHOOD for his PRANK... Check out how a YouTube PRANK can go 'SOUTH' really quickly!!! LOL

WHAT DID HE EXPECT!? I am sure he got TONS of VIEWS on YOUTUBE for this prank, but was it WORTH IT? White PEOPLE, there are SOME THINGS you just DO NOT mess with. You do NOT say the 'N' word no matter how COOL you think you sound.

You DO NOT say ANYTHING about a BLACK PERSON'S MOTHER! You DO NOT step on a BLACK MAN's NEW SNEAKERS and you DO NOT mess with a BLACK MAN's RIDE!! SACRED territory! LOL. Roman Atwood, if you want to do a PRANK LIKE THIS again, you would need a BIG BLACK BODY GUARD to QUICKLY come to your rescue and diffuse the situation. You could even offer some MONEY or CHICKEN for their COOPERATION in the PRANK once it's revealed to be FAKE. But attempting to 'STEAL' from someone in the HOOD could potentially get you F*CKED UP! LOL as we witnessed here. It was FUNNY to watch though. HOW WOULD have REACTED if you saw someone trying to siphon GAS from your VEHICLE? LOL. IJS.


Star Tracks: A SUPER-SIZED #RobKardashian spotted at #LAX en route to #Kimye Wedding in France! [pics]

Posted: 20 May 2014 02:12 AM PDT

Why is the only male Kardashian SO FAT!?  Rob Kardashian has battled his WEIGHT for YEARS, and it appears the 'Battle of the Bulge' rages on.  A SUPER-SIZED, Rob was recently spotted at LAX on his way to France for Kim Kardashian's HUGE (no pun) wedding to Kanye West!

Is that Lisa Rinna in the BACKGROUND with the PERSED LIPS and SPRAY TAN?  No of course it's MOMMA... Kris Jenner in tow.

By no way do we hae anything against OVERWEIGHT PEOPLE, but REALLY?  Rob has no real job, ample liquid assets and trainers at his disposal, there is no EXCUSE to pack on the pounds like this.  Unless he is preparing for a MOVIE ROLE, and we know that's not happening.  

Remember when Rob was FIT...check after the JUMP for the SHOCKING BEFORE PICS!

Remember when Rob looked like this?

He doesn't probably remember this EITHER.

I am sure he is a part of Kim's wedding party.  I am assuming they will be putting elastic in THAT tuxedo.  SORRY BRO..there is no reason to be THAT BIG.. you have the RESOURCES to get FIT!

Baby Oil & Shirtless Pecs!? #NipSyncing with #TerryCrews & #JimmyFallon to the tune of 'Ebony & Ivory'!?

Posted: 20 May 2014 12:07 AM PDT

There is NOTHING like turning on the TUBE to see SHIRTLESS MEN NIPPLE SYNCING to Stevie Wonder and Paul McCartney's 'Ebony & Ivory', right?  Let me SET THE STAGE HERE....  We have a SHIRTLESS Terry Crews and a 'SHIRTLESS' Jimmy Fallon flexing their PECS to a song from the 80's--oiled up and ready...  That was the scene on 'The Tonight Show' last night.. Check out the FUNNY CLIP and see just what I'm talking about....

You got to love guys that are nor AFRAID to laugh at themselves!!  This is FUNNY ISH....  Can you make your PECS do that? LOL


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