
Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “How To Kick Any Bad Habbit” plus 1 more

Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “How To Kick Any Bad Habbit” plus 1 more

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How To Kick Any Bad Habbit

Posted: 12 May 2014 06:01 AM PDT

bad-habit-quote"We are creatures of habit." I woke up this morning and grabbed my phone out of habit. Out of habit, I didn't turn off the alarm, but pushed the snooze button instead. I soon realized my mistake and shut it down for good. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom out of habit. Afterwards, I went straight for my fridge out of habit. I grabbed some food and opened my computer out of habit and I checked my mail, facebook, website traffic and subscribers purely out of habit. Most of our time is spent following old habits, but how much time are we talking about? Is it 50% per day? Is it 60, 70, or even 90% of our time? The percentage […]

The post How To Kick Any Bad Habbit appeared first on Dumb Little Man.

Future Finances: How to Ready Yourself for the Retirement Years

Posted: 12 May 2014 05:57 AM PDT

Retirement-in-Greater-WilmingtonOne day you will awake and it will be the first day of your retirement. At that moment, a lifetime of habits dealing with money will become crystal clear. Your financial future as a retiree depends on honestly assessing your retirement planning now. It is crucial you calculate how much you must save to be ready for retirement. Every year or so, review both your retirement plan and your progress to make sure you are on your way to a secure future. MAKE STEADY PROGRESS Consider your savings progress so far. Have you been consistently stashing money away, contributing to IRA, 401(k), and similar accounts? Have you computed just how much you will spend each month in your post-retirement life? The typical worker has 45% […]

The post Future Finances: How to Ready Yourself for the Retirement Years appeared first on Dumb Little Man.

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