
Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “6 Reasons Why People That Annoy You Can Make You Happy” plus 9 more

Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “6 Reasons Why People That Annoy You Can Make You Happy” plus 9 more

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6 Reasons Why People That Annoy You Can Make You Happy

Posted: 15 May 2014 08:25 AM PDT

5I hate to admit it, but people annoy me pretty regularly. Not only strangers and acquaintances, but those dear to me, as well! What's wrong with everyone?! That's what I used to wonder – what's their problem? Now I know better. When something that someone is doing annoys or irritates us, it is actually something about ourselves that we are not fully aware of. This is the concept of "mirroring". Psychology calls this projection. We are projecting that which we need to see about ourselves onto someone else so that we are able to see it. When we see that behavior in ourselves, it is called projection recall. Think of it like an actual mirror, where other people are the mirror. We cannot see ourselves […]

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How Many Stamps Do I Need For A 6×9 Envelope?

Posted: 15 May 2014 05:45 AM PDT

The amount of postage needed to mail a 6” x 9” envelope depends on the postal classification rate used for shipping. When mailing to an address within the US, the most popular service is First Class; Priority Mail Flat Rate costs more for shipping a few ounces, but can be less expensive if the envelope is over 3.5 ounces in weight or ¼ inch in thickness; and Priority Mail Express Service offers a flat rate fee that includes several extra services at no additional costs. FIRST CLASS MAIL A 6” x 9” envelope with weight up to 1 ounce requires one $.49 first class rate stamp; weight between 1 and 2 ounces will cost $.70; weight between 2 and 3 ounces will cost $.91; and […]

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How Much Does It Cost To Resize A 14 Ct Yellow Gold Ring One Size Larger?

Posted: 15 May 2014 05:45 AM PDT

The body continues to grow throughout your life. A ring set in a certain size might not fit you later in your life. How much does it cost to resize a 14 ct yellow gold ring one size larger? <h2>Resizing Depends on Ring Characteristics</h2> Professional jewelers will admit that resizing rings is a natural process. The exact price of the resizing will depend upon the method, type of ring, gems, settings, prongs and size. The two primary methods for resizing rings are 1) Stretching and 2) Bridging. There are advantages and disadvantages to either method. The bridging method can be done with most rings, the stretching method is not possible with some rings. The stretching method might require heating the metal to make it softer. […]

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Can I Substitute White Wine in a Shrimp Scampi Recipe with Chicken Stock?

Posted: 15 May 2014 05:45 AM PDT

Although most people think of shrimp when they hear about scampi recipes, the original use of the Italian word referred to a preparation method of the langoustine or Norwegian lobster, which is generally skinnier and smaller than the American lobster. Since jumbo shrimp has a culinary semblance to langoustine, Mediterranean chefs across Europe eventually applied the scampi culinary technique to other shellfish. The original scampi method of preparing shellfish consists of briefly poaching the catch in broth made with vegetables, spices and wine or vinegar. The poaching should not last too long for langoustine, but shrimp and American lobster will require longer periods of cooking. Dipping the seafood in melted butter is a preferred serving method, but many cooks actually use the melted butter as […]

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What Is The Best Way To Store Sushi Rolls?

Posted: 15 May 2014 05:44 AM PDT

Sushi is a great combination of healthy food ingredients. Originally, sushi was made the same day from the catch off the Pacific Ocean. Most sushi continues to be made the same day right in front of you. You can purchase frozen sushi, but it does not have the same tasty raw flavor. If you have some leftover sushi rolls, you might want to save them for a snack. What is the best way to store sushi rolls? <h2>Different Food Ingredients</h2> Traditionally, sushi rolls were made from the freshly caught fish, crabs or shrimp wrapped in a salty, crispy, sweet and spicy seaweed wrap while the patron looked out over the Pacific Ocean. The Japanese culture is best known for its creative sushi rolls. The modern […]

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How Do I De-Ice My Front Steps?

Posted: 15 May 2014 05:44 AM PDT

During the middle of winter, many homeowners can slip and fall on icy front steps. This is a very serious danger, especially for senior citizens. This is how to de-ice your front steps. <h2>Stay Ahead of the Curve</h2> One of the primary ways to be successful with de-icing your front steps is to stay ahead of the curve. Ice freezes below 30 degrees Fahrenheit. Thus, if you know the temperature will drop that low, then toss a little salt on your front steps as a precaution. If it snows, then the bottom layer will become watery when it contacts the salt. When you shovel later, it will be easier to remove the ice. Solid ice can be very hard to remove. Usually, a layer of […]

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How To Write A Cover Letter For Refund Of Money?

Posted: 15 May 2014 05:44 AM PDT

<p>When you are owed money, a letter might be the most effective way to obtain it. Defective merchandise or substandard services are common reasons for demanding a refund. There are a few tips for writing the letter that can improve its effectiveness.</p> <p>Address the Letter to a Specific Person</p> <p>When writing to a business or corporation, go to the company’s website to get its correct mailing address. The website should also give you the name of department heads within the company. A letter addressed to the person in charge of customer service will not get lost as easily as one addressed only to the customer service department at the company. If you cannot find the names of department heads, find out the name of the […]

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What Happens If You Delete A Paid App On Your Iphone/Ipad?

Posted: 15 May 2014 05:44 AM PDT

At times, you may download a new paid application to your iPhone or iPad. You try to make it work, but it just doesn’t function like you hoped it would. What happens if you delete a paid app on your iPhone or iPad? <h2>Deleting a Paid Application</h2> People make mistakes. That is a fact of life. When you toggle around your electronic device, you might hit the wrong button, key or open the wrong screen. You might accidentally delete a paid app on your iPhone or iPad. Does the application store keep records of who purchased an app? Can I get reimbursement for my deleted app? Does it matter if I paid for it with a credit card? Most application stores maintain their purchase records […]

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What is the Best Mid-Size Car For Driving In The Snow?

Posted: 15 May 2014 05:44 AM PDT

Although the polar vortex and the frigid conditions experienced in North America in late 2013 and early 2014 are mostly over, many people still remember the difficulty in driving when the roads were covered in ice and snow. Since not everyone is able to move to Florida, Mexico or Costa Rica for the winter, it is useful to know which cars are adequate for driving in snowy road conditions. Traction is the most important factor when choosing a vehicle that can perform adequately in the snow. To this end, it is important to remember that rear-wheel drive cars tend to be the least adequate in the snow. This means that owners of some luxury and sports cars, particularly classic American muscle cars, will have a […]

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How Do I Calculate the New 20% VAT?

Posted: 15 May 2014 05:44 AM PDT

Value-added tax (VAT) in the United Kingdom was increased in early 2011. The standard rate was 17.5 percent for most of the 21st century until Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) reduced it to 15 percent in the wake of the 2008 crash of the financial markets and the onset of the global financial crisis. The standard rate for goods and services in the UK is currently 20 percent. Not all good and services are taxed at the standard VAT rate. Most grocery items are taxed at a rate of zero, and various services such as tickets to museums and home repair services for people who live with disabilities are exempt from VAT. Residential utility services such as heating oil and electricity are taxed at […]

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