
Dumb Little Man: Don’t Be Dumb: 4 Amazingly Easy Ways to Find Yourself Buried in Debt

Dumb Little Man: Don’t Be Dumb: 4 Amazingly Easy Ways to Find Yourself Buried in Debt

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Don’t Be Dumb: 4 Amazingly Easy Ways to Find Yourself Buried in Debt

Posted: 22 May 2014 06:01 AM PDT

shutterstock_176733326Should we all live like the rock stars, trust fund babies, and Internet billionaires we see in the media? If life worked like Hollywood portrayed it, you would drive an expensive sports car between your high-paying job and your mansion. The thought of spending your hard-earned money on luxury items can be incredibly tempting, and you might be envious of those guys who always have the coolest car, the latest iPhone, and the biggest TV. But I can't help but wonder whether they're paying with cash or credit — or if they even know what their credit score is. Living the Dream or Surviving the Nightmare? While living within your means isn't always glamorous, the real world isn't what you see on MTV. The average […]

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