
Dumb Little Man: 3 Paths to Squash Your Negative Attitude

Dumb Little Man: 3 Paths to Squash Your Negative Attitude

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3 Paths to Squash Your Negative Attitude

Posted: 16 May 2014 05:32 AM PDT

NmU1LWI4YMany of us are champions of maintaining bad moods. For some, it's even a default mode. Unfortunately, it can be incredibly easy to trade in your vigor, dreams, and self-worth for wages, traffic jams, and mindless meme-browsing. Sometimes it's even expected of us. If you wake up sighing, head to work grunting obscenities, and haven't had exciting weekend plans in years, congratulations. You've slipped into the dismal neurosis many call "the daily grind." Many "experts" would have us believe that pessimism is a disease. You'll need to take antidepressants, dump herbs into lettuce smoothies, and pray for salvation. Combine all of these well-meaning instructions from various sources, and people make excuses. They give up or they don't try, because they don't like lettuce or prayers […]

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