
Dumb Little Man: The Importance of Defining Your Life Goals as an Entrepreneur

Dumb Little Man: The Importance of Defining Your Life Goals as an Entrepreneur

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The Importance of Defining Your Life Goals as an Entrepreneur

Posted: 21 May 2014 05:48 AM PDT

essence-of-living-tv-frames-0053Being an entrepreneur is a dream for many people and something that a lot of us strive towards. To be completely ‘financially independent’, to be able to set your own working hours, and to be able to work on projects that you feel passionate about and actually chose to work on are all things that many believe will make them happier and more fulfilled in life – and often this is the case. But before you get too excited about the prospect of creating your own start-up and earning millions while sitting on a beach somewhere in Spain, it’s first important to define what your goals really are. Because if you set off on this journey without doing that first, you’re likely to find that […]

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