
Dumb Little Man: Before You Quit Your Job – Ask Yourself These 5 Things

Dumb Little Man: Before You Quit Your Job – Ask Yourself These 5 Things

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Before You Quit Your Job – Ask Yourself These 5 Things

Posted: 30 Apr 2014 06:45 AM PDT

screen-shot-2013-09-30-at-3-59-29-pmIt’s no mystery that most people are unsatisfied in their jobs. Statistics show that more than 70% of the U.S. workforce is unhappy with their current jobs. Why is this happening in this great and free country? Don’t we ALL have more resources and opportunity than any other place on Earth? If so, why are we all sitting around complaining about our miserable jobs? There are many answers to this question of course, but I think that the most pressing ones are: • We have allowed ourselves to become dependent on easy money. What I mean by easy money is that our society tells us that it’s okay to push papers around our desks for 8 hours a day and collect a paycheck for it. […]

The post Before You Quit Your Job – Ask Yourself These 5 Things appeared first on Dumb Little Man.

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