
Dumb Little Man: 3 Ways Embracing the Principles of Improv Can Change Your Life

Dumb Little Man: 3 Ways Embracing the Principles of Improv Can Change Your Life

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3 Ways Embracing the Principles of Improv Can Change Your Life

Posted: 05 May 2014 06:46 AM PDT

lI first started doing Improv because I wanted to improve my public speaking ability. I had taken a number of Toastmasters classes in the past. They were great for the fundamentals, but tend to be rather dry and formal. I was looking for something more fun and upbeat. A friend recommended that I take an improv class. I didn’t know how playing games and skits would help me with my public speaking, but I wanted to try something new so I gave it a shot. Boy was I surprised! Improv class was so much fun, and became the highlight of my week. After a long a stressful day, there’s nothing like playing games for two hours to take your mind off of all your worries, […]

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