
Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “Maximize Your Mind in the Work Environment” plus 1 more

Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “Maximize Your Mind in the Work Environment” plus 1 more

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Maximize Your Mind in the Work Environment

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 09:23 AM PST

The mind is a powerful tool, however due to factors such as stress, fatigue, negativity or boredom we rarely use it to its optimum. Fortunately getting the most from your mind is easy, if you know how.

With various exercises, relaxation techniques and super-foods it is possible to boost brain power, improve perspective and increase focus, all of which can be extremely beneficial in the work environment.

Making slight changes to your daily routine can see a marked improvement in short-term memory, mental attitudes and thought processes, thus maximising your mind; all you need to do is follow these easy steps.
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3 Life Lessons Learned from Attachment

Posted: 07 Jan 2014 07:13 AM PST

"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things which he can afford to let alone."    -Henry David Thoreau

Attachment is at the root of most of our modern experience.  As Shakespeare said, the expectation facet of attachment is also the root of all heartache.  We're taught to long for a life we must strive for years to achieve.  The lives of celebrities and powerful politicians are held in high esteem, while most of us are simply left out of the history books.   We are taught to attach ourselves to external modalities of success and achievement.  To be happy, the story goes, we must be rich, decadent and status-driven. To succeed in relationships, we must pour out our hearts and give yourself up to others.  This is not the case.
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