
Dumb Little Man: Staying Healthy on the Road

Dumb Little Man: Staying Healthy on the Road

Link to Dumb Little Man - Tips for Life

Staying Healthy on the Road

Posted: 17 Jan 2014 08:14 AM PST

The beginning of a new year marks the beginning of a new set of resolutions, and many people commit to making healthier choices in diet and a new exercise regimen.

It's energizing to make a new goal and carry it out, but the reality of busy schedules can set in fast, especially for people who travel regularly for work or who simply take a winter vacation.

Hotels, restaurants, and hours spent in planes or cars take a toll on your pledge to have a healthier new year.

Too many people find their goals in shambles after a trip, which makes it harder to pick up and keep going when they get home.

It doesn't have to work that way. With a smart strategy and a little commitment, you can maintain your healthy habits while on the road for a daytrip or an extended stay.
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