
THE GAMUTT: Entertainment /Lifestyle Blog

THE GAMUTT: Entertainment /Lifestyle Blog

Close family FRIEND of #TI & #Tiny say the POWER COUPLE are STILL TOGETHER! [details]

Posted: 27 Jan 2014 11:10 PM PST

There have been NUMEROUS STORIES swirling around all weekend that T.I. and Tiny had SPLIT UP!  And the details were that the couple had a HUGE BLOW-UP once the touched down in L.A. for the Grammys that lead to the SPLIT.  It wouldn't be the 1st time THE GRAMMYS weekend fucked up people's lives [insert RiRi/Chris Brown joke here].

Sources went as far to say that the split had T.I. so distraught that he had canceled his APPEARANCE at the big show.  As we saw, T.I. and Tiny were absent from pictures, on the red carpet and celebrity pre-galas and the like.  And we KNOW the couple like to be seen on the SCENE.

T.I. took to social media adding more fuel to fire with this CRYPTIC MESSAGE.

But wait.  There may be some CLARITY to this situation after all.  Tiny's best friend and CLOSE FAMILY figure, Shekinah may have shed some light on the matter.  She took to Instagram to dispel the rumors or to at least do some DAMAGE CONTROL.  She claims everything is OK, in the Harris Household!  Get the DEETS after the JUMP!

Let's hope this is INDEED just a ROUGH SPOT in the road and that the TWO can and WILL work whatever KINKS they have in the marriage.  We actually have grown to LOVE THESE two together and they have a very ENTERTAINING and what appeared to be LOVING family atmosphere.

We'll keep our EYES on these two for the next few days.  No OFFICIAL statements have been made at press time.


SNEAK PEEK: #Ashanti -'I Got It' feat. #RickRoss [video]

Posted: 27 Jan 2014 06:41 PM PST

It looks like Ashanti is trying to get her BOOGIE on in the teaser for her upcoming single, 'I Got It' which features the BAWSE, Rick Ross.  Take a QUICK LOOK at what's coming next from the 'Braveheart' project!

We see you SHANI!!! 

Looks like a bit of a BUDGET into this video too...

#Day26 TOGETHER AGAIN! Perform in NYC for the 1st time in 4 years! [video]

Posted: 27 Jan 2014 01:39 PM PST

The BOYS of Day 26 have reunited and all 5 members performed togehter in NYC over the weekend for the 1st time in 4 years!

The lookx have changed a bit, but it appears that the SOUND is still there!  Take a LOOK & LISTEN!


If the guys get some DECENT tracks, work on the styling a bit and get a good producer, they can still have a go at it.


The Good the BAD & The UGLY from the 2014 #Grammys! [pics]

Posted: 27 Jan 2014 10:55 AM PST

The Grammys has ALWAYS been LAUDED as the biggest and most DIVERSE awards sow for MUSIC since it's inception.  That being said, there will ALWAYS be some HIGHs and LOWS and in betweens!!


OF course, one of the 'GOOD' moments of the show was seeing the SEXY back and forth between Pop's PREMIERE COUPLE, Beyonce and Jay-Z.  Either HIGH LEVEL PERFORMANCE or low-key.  Beyonce ALWAYS makes a STATEMENT and her TALENT can't be DENIED.

Another GOOD was the CREATIVE pairings such as Daft Punk, Pharrell and Stevie Wonder!  Stevie could make a RAINY DAY feel like SUNSHINE by just being on the stage. Adding him to ANY PERFORMANCE is a WIN-WIN!!

Also the inventive mashup of Imagine Dragons and Kendrick Lamar was GENIUS!!
My BAD which was not really too bad was Lorde.  I love the song, but you can't tell me this child is only 17?  Last night she looked like a MIDDLE-AGED librarian.  I am going to have to see her i.d fro proof of AGE.  ALSO another bad was after the AMAZING lead in from Beyonce and Jay-Z, L.L. Cool J rambled on and on about MUSIC that just DRAGGED the momentum down.  Instead of talking about music, how about let us just SEE THE MUSIC in ACTION.
And of all the people that can host, do they have to get HIM all the time?  There are more talent out there.  PICK A NEW HOST every now and again.

My UGLY was seeing Ringo Star with this HUGE BAND go on and on, and Paul McCartney was not in the mix.  IF we MUST see you, at least bring an INTERESTING 'Beetle' out to help you as well.  I mean he was sitting right there.

Another UGLY was Macklemore and Ryan Lewis all but SWEEPING the RAP categories.  Ok, we get it, he had a HUGE YEAR, but is that music REALLY considered RAP?   It's more in the line of POP to me.  Kendrick Lamar and Nas ans others got ROBBED in my opinion.  It's like the Grammys turned a BLIND EYE to hip-hop this year--AND YEAR'S PAST as well.
Also another UGLY, was P!nk's Cique du soleil  AIR SHOW.  It was cute the FIRST FEW TIME you did it, find a NEW THING! 

My just confusing was the Macklemore, Madonna Queen Latifah MASS WEDDING thing.  Hmm, Madge looked like a crippled Quaker Oats man and the people getting married just look dazed and confused and by then, the show was already too long for me, and I was zoning out a bit.  Cool concept but just too LONG!
As a matter of fact the WHOLE SHOW is too long... Some editing would be useful.  But it's the GRAMMYS, right!?


RHOA Season 6 Ep 13-FALL-OUT! Pillow-Fight gets REAL! Who's REALLY to BLAME!?

Posted: 27 Jan 2014 10:20 AM PST

So by now we've all seen the BIG BRAWL at NeNe's 'Pillow Talk' session from Sunday night.  My thing is what REALLY set it off?

NeNe is NOTORIOUS for stirring the pots, but that night she was cooking on HIGH.  Getting all of the ladies and their mates and OUTSIDE SHIT-Starters was bound to END in disaster.  It was leading up to this ALL SEASON.  Natalie and Christopher Williams were brought in to stir up confusion with Todd and Kandi and of course Kenya adds FUEL to the FIRE with the common-law wife allegations.

My thing is had Christopher Williams not gotten up and then attempted to grab Kenya's arm, Brandon would not have had to get up to defend his BFF and the fight may not have escalated to the point of a BRAWL.  Then Peter didn't help the situation by trying to manhandle Brandon, and Apollo should have just stayed in his seat as well.  I think Peter had Brandon under control.  So then Kenya GETS UP to make a scene then all HELL breaks loose.

I think the GUYS did a bit too much to poor Brandon in the light of the fact that he is GAY and they may have thought they could whip up on him EASILY.  Not exactly the case.  And somewhere, Apollo and his EGO or TEMPER just got best of him and he just continued to PUMMEL poor Brandon.

Once the dust almost settled, NeNe flies up in Kenya's face blaming her for getting up out of her seat!?  Hello?  Christopher Williams got up first as did Natalie.  Why was Kenya the scapegoat on this one?  It just seemed that the WHOLE party was set up for DRAMA, but NeNe got more than she BARGAINED for, and as we see, there is still MORE to come.  It appears that Todd, Kandi and Peter have some words and Cynthia and Kandi are going to go head to head.  Also, Cynthia's sis, Malorie is NOT going to sit idle as her baby sis gets DRAGGED from one side of the room to the next.  Part two is going to be even BETTER!  WATCH...


#Macklemore sends APOLOGETIC Tweet to #KendrickLamar! [details]

Posted: 27 Jan 2014 09:45 AM PST

With the debate still brewing and Macklemore & Ryan Lewis almost SWEEPING all of the rap categories away from TRADITIONAL hip hop acts like Nas, and Kendick Lamar, there is a BRIGHT SIDE.  After the big show, Macklemore sent Kendrick a slew of 'apologetic' tweets'.

Check out the BACK and FORTH here!:

Screen shot 2014-01-27 at 8.07.50 AM

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Screen shot 2014-01-27 at 8.15.48 AM

My text to Kendrick after the show. He deserved best rap album… I'm honored and completely blown away to win anything much less 4 Grammys. But in that category, he should have won IMO. And that's taking nothing away from The Heist. Just giving GKMC it's proper respect.. With that being said, thank you to the fans. You're the reason we were on that stage tonight. And to play Same Love on that platform was a career highlight. The greatest honor of all. That's what this is about. Progress and art. Thank you. #grammys

Well at least he knows what everybody else has been saying all along.  Nothing taken away from Macklemore, but Kendrick HAD the best RAP ALBUM of the year....

It's ok, I am sure Lamar is BUSY crafting something even better and NEXT year, maybe HIP-HOP will reign again!?


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