
Dumb Little Man: Don’t Freak Out: How You Can Suppress Stress When Meeting VIPs You Admire

Dumb Little Man: Don’t Freak Out: How You Can Suppress Stress When Meeting VIPs You Admire

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Don’t Freak Out: How You Can Suppress Stress When Meeting VIPs You Admire

Posted: 27 Jan 2014 06:34 AM PST

Let me ask you a quick question.  Does it stress you out to think about meeting your heroes?

If you suddenly ran into a very important person you really admired -- I mean someone you really, really admired -- would you be able to have a coherent conversation?

Would you so impress this person with your effortless charm and wit that they would want to take you home with them? Or would you start sweating profusely and be barely able to remember your own name?

Unfortunately, a lot of people fall into the latter category.

If the idea of meeting someone you admire - such as a VIP or very successful person in your industry - makes your heart race and your palms sweat, then you are not alone. A lot of people get nervous when they meet a VIP they admire.
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