
Dumb Little Man: How to Finally Get Started on Your Big Dream

Dumb Little Man: How to Finally Get Started on Your Big Dream

Link to Dumb Little Man - Tips for Life

How to Finally Get Started on Your Big Dream

Posted: 23 Jan 2014 08:33 AM PST

We all have those big dreams. You know the ones:

•    to write a novel
•    to backpack across Europe
•    to leave your job and start your own business
•    to makeover your home
•    to go back to school
•    to recreate your life
•    to improve your health (exercise, eat healthy, quit smoking or other toxic habits)

But time passes and "life" gets in the way. We are "too busy" or "too tired." The groceries, your job, and daily obligations all seem to demand our attention more urgently than our dreams. And over time the dream starts to fade. But it never dies. And here's the big news:

If you really want it, you can make your dream come true!
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