
Dumb Little Man: 2 Simple Ways to Change the Way You Think and Feel

Dumb Little Man: 2 Simple Ways to Change the Way You Think and Feel

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2 Simple Ways to Change the Way You Think and Feel

Posted: 11 Jan 2014 01:55 PM PST

Law of attraction states what you think about you attract. In a sense this is true, but what is really creating your reality are your unconscious beliefs.

Beliefs are repeated thoughts about someone or something even if they are not true.

What you believe to be true, you attract into your life. That's where we get the saying, acting in accordance with your beliefs.

So, let's say you spend the day having positive conscious thoughts.

But, something happens and you get distracted and your negative unconscious thought pattern runs again.

So, you're back to being negative, pessimistic, and cynical and your reality reflects that.

The human body operates on many levels and often times creates inner conflict.

One part of you wants this, another wants that, and so on.

The key ingredient is learning to get all parts of yourself in alignment.

With aligned thinking comes aligned focus and ultimately an aligned reality.
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