
Dumb Little Man: Fail Your Resolution Already? The Three Reasons Why And What To Do Now

Dumb Little Man: Fail Your Resolution Already? The Three Reasons Why And What To Do Now

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Fail Your Resolution Already? The Three Reasons Why And What To Do Now

Posted: 29 Jan 2014 07:11 AM PST

It's about one month into the new year, which means many New Year's Resolutions have already failed. New Year's Resolutions have an 8% success rate, and yet, about 45% of people still made them this year (University of Stanford research).

Of those who have failed their resolution already, most will blame themselves, but this is a harmful and inaccurate conclusion.

Most of the time, a poor strategy is the reason for failure. If you are off the wagon already, here are the three reasons why New Year's Resolutions so often fail (and what to do now).

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