
Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “How to Stop Black-and-White Thinking from Destroying Your Life” plus 1 more

Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “How to Stop Black-and-White Thinking from Destroying Your Life” plus 1 more

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How to Stop Black-and-White Thinking from Destroying Your Life

Posted: 15 Apr 2014 07:26 AM PDT

60"Black" or "white", "right" or "wrong", "good" or "bad", "smart" or "stupid", "strong" or "weak". Do you live your life in black and white terms? Is your mood in constant fluctuation, going from great to depressed in under one minute? Many people suffer from this black-and-white thinking pattern, which is greatly influenced by their childhood and earlier experiences. The all or nothing type of thinking can seriously damage your sense of self, well-being, happiness, and relationships. How do I know? Because I am a recovering black-and-white thinker. I, too, used to see the world as a scary place, where you have to be prepared for the worst, where some people are good and others are bad (but most are bad and can't be trusted), and […]

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Five Tough Spring Cleaning Projects and How to Tackle Them

Posted: 15 Apr 2014 07:10 AM PDT

iSpring_Cleaning_MedWhen the birds return and the grass starts turning green, we want to fling open windows and set to scrubbing the house down from top to bottom to match the fresh new season outside. Spring cleaning can be hard work, but it can be made easy, too! (Permanently) Foggy Glass Shower Doors No, it’s not the remnants of your steamy shower. It’s a winter’s worth of soap scum built up on your once crystal clear doors. There are two solutions that can get those doors looking pristine again. The first is to use white vinegar in a spray bottle or to use a soap scum removal product (vinegar fixes a lot of house cleaning problems). Avoid using abrasive products or items to scrub it clean; […]

The post Five Tough Spring Cleaning Projects and How to Tackle Them appeared first on Dumb Little Man.

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