
Dumb Little Man: How To Live a Life That Is Uniquely Yours

Dumb Little Man: How To Live a Life That Is Uniquely Yours

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How To Live a Life That Is Uniquely Yours

Posted: 24 Apr 2014 06:47 AM PDT

Beautiful-Day-1024x640The biggest mistake people make in life is that they pursue dreams and goals without taking the time to discover what they are truly passionate about, and then allowing their dreams to unfold naturally as an expression of their passion and who they really are. If you are doing something under the impression that you will be happy once you achieve this or that, or that you’ll love your job when you get that promotion, but not right now, then you are mistaken. Your happiness and your wealth (in the truest sense of the term) is determined by how you feel now, not by how you will feel when you achieve your goals. When you make your happiness reliant on a potential future, all that […]

The post How To Live a Life That Is Uniquely Yours appeared first on Dumb Little Man.

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