
Dumb Little Man: 4 Simple Ways to Keep Your Marriage Awesome

Dumb Little Man: 4 Simple Ways to Keep Your Marriage Awesome

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4 Simple Ways to Keep Your Marriage Awesome

Posted: 25 Apr 2014 06:54 AM PDT

happymarriageThe notion of healthy and happy marriages often sounds like just another drop in the bucket of wish list items and Hollywood media hype. But the truth is this is a very real and very important topic of sociological consideration. To remove any robotic intrigue, let’s just say people want to believe in healthy and happy marriages and are actually willing to sneak a peek at articles such as this one to see what down-to-earth elements may be offered. Good for us. Solution 1: Arguing Smart In every marriage there will be times where arguments or disagreements ensue. Don’t make this the norm. Right-fighting or fighting to be right is a waste of energy and offers a disrespectful stance. Stay on topic and don’t include […]

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