
Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “7 Ways to Brag Without Sounding Like You’re Bragging” plus 1 more

Dumb Little Man - tips for life: “7 Ways to Brag Without Sounding Like You’re Bragging” plus 1 more

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7 Ways to Brag Without Sounding Like You’re Bragging

Posted: 11 Apr 2014 07:02 AM PDT

quote-Muhammad-Ali-its-not-bragging-if-you-can-back-104890I bet you have some great stories. Almost everyone has something interesting or memorable about them which makes for good cocktail party fodder. Take my friend Tom, for example. Tom went to West Point, then spent a few years in a U.S. Army special forces unit where his job was to parachute deploy into warzones from helicopters. That's right — his job was to jump out of helicopters. And he didn't stop there. While still active duty, Tom wrote two books and started a boutique publishing company. If he wasn't such a nice guy, I'd probably hate him. His background is so incredible, that it's hard to imagine how he can talk about his background at all without coming off as an insufferable jerk. Tom […]

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10 Ways to Stop All That Drama in Your Life

Posted: 10 Apr 2014 07:23 AM PDT

energy1. Choose – Diplomacy or Silence?  As you grow up you realize that being honest and straightforward doesn’t mean you blurt out everything that comes into your mind. You have two choices, either you learn to be diplomatic or if that route is too political for you then learn to keep quiet! If you choose neither then you would only create trouble for yourself. 2. Do not give advice unless asked for While can never watch our near and dear ones suffer but unless you are a parent better o keep your opinions to yourself. No one likes to hear how he or she should lead his or her life. Plus, the advice would always be better received when the other person is open and […]

The post 10 Ways to Stop All That Drama in Your Life appeared first on Dumb Little Man.

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