
Dumb Little Man: 4 Unconventional Ways To Eliminate The Distractions That Keep You From Creating Your Best Work

Dumb Little Man: 4 Unconventional Ways To Eliminate The Distractions That Keep You From Creating Your Best Work

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4 Unconventional Ways To Eliminate The Distractions That Keep You From Creating Your Best Work

Posted: 05 Jan 2014 10:02 AM PST

"I wonder when email officially became work," I casually commented to my office mate.

"What did we do at work before email?" I sarcastically added.

He smiled, but didn't look up.

I remember working before email was a thing. Granted I wasn't in a professional position as I am now, but I still remember seeing my manager's office. The office had no computers, only paper.

Now, of course, it's much different. There are seemingly infinite distractions that can keep you from creating your best work, especially from the computer.

The fact of the matter is that many of us have moved from the proactive, creative work to reactionary work. The move is a result of our attention being divided up by seemingly infinite distractions.
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