
THE GAMUTT: Entertainment /Lifestyle Blog

THE GAMUTT: Entertainment /Lifestyle Blog

#DavidBeckham BODYWEAR for H&M now AVAILABLE! Peep sexy short film [video]

Posted: 06 Feb 2013 11:31 PM PST

Remember a few months back when we posted a story about soccer star and Spokesperson David Beckham getting caught in his UNDERWEAR alongside a street in Beverly Hills?!!

Well it was all for his new line bodywear line for retailer H&m which, is AVAILABLE TODAY!!! Take a look at the Guy Richie-directed short film!

Take a look at PIECES from the LINE after the JUMP!

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The TEEN ACCUSER of 'Love & Hip Hop' star #MendeeceesHarris SEXUAL ASSAULT trial TESTIFIES! [shocking Details]

Posted: 06 Feb 2013 11:35 PM PST

The trial is underway for 'Love & Hip-Hop' star Mendeecees Harris is underway, and the teen accuser is letting all of the SALACIOUS details out about how Harris propositioned the teen for SEX is COMING OUT!!!

The teen who was only 15 at the time of the alleged ASSAULT spoke on the stand about how Harris forced her into having sex with him for money!

Get the details after the JUMP!!
Mendecees Harris with defense attorney Emil Lisboa (STORY / PHOTOS: Mary K. Miraglia) ALL PHOTOS PROPERTY OF CLIFFVIEWPILOT.COM

"Mister," she said to Neary, "this incident occurred 4 years ago. I don't remember when things were, but I remember what happened."

In a surprising development, the now-19-year-old woman also said she had no idea what Harris did for a living — and was shocked to discover not only that he was on "Love & Hip Hop" but that he was seeing co-star Yandy Smith while still living with his previous girlfriend in Lodi.

After moving in with Harris, his girlfriend and her brothers, the woman testified, she routinely reported to him for permission to go out, among other reasons. Her mother was usually at work while she was home with Harris and the boys after school, she said, during questioning by Assistant Bergen County Prosecutor Demetra Maurice.

Visibly uncomfortable, she gave brief responses to Maurice's questions. Because she didn't have much of a connection with her mother, she said, she confided in Harris.

"Mendeecees made me feel comfortable. He would give me advice. He'd say 'It'll be okay between you and your mom'," the woman said.

Then came an afternoon when, with no one else home, she realized in the shower that she didn't have a towel.

"I asked him to get me one, and he did," the woman testified. "Then he came into my room and suggested I let him masturbate on me, but I just laughed."

The suggestions continued, she said, until she relented. She said Harris then gave her $15 or $20 "for lunch or maybe a ball game."

But that wasn't enough for him, the woman testified: Using an extremely private piece of information, he coerced her into providing oral sex.

"He told me he knew I had been raped when I was 8 years old," she said, "and he found out from my mother.

" 'Your mom doesn't want you here'," the woman said Harris told her before exposing himself.

She said she complied with his desire out of spite "to get back at my mom."

"I felt betrayed by her," she said. "I didn't tell her about it until I was 14, and it was something I didn't want anyone to know."

Similar favors were demanded – and provided — for "$15 or $20" when she needed money for expenses, the woman testified. Eventually Harris enlisted her younger brothers by suggesting, when they asked him for money, to "talk to your sister. She knows what she has to do."

The relationship ended, she said, when her mother took her cellphone to punish her for missing curfew and found a message on it from Harris.

"I heard them in their room yelling, I felt bad," she said. "She came in my room and she was livid. She told me to get out. She was just screaming to me to get out. I don't remember if she said why."

The woman said she went to a friend's house to spend the night.

"My mom didn't know where I was," she testified, "but Mendeecees did."

The next day he came to find her, she said. He told her that her mother had packed her belongings – and then asked her: "Please don't tell her anything about us," the woman said.

"He said she didn't know anything, so don't say anything. It was something he would 'take to his grave.' He [also] told me they were done.

Harris faces seven counts of illegal sex with the girl, including giving her money as an inducement, Maurice told the jury, outlining a "very skillful manipulation" of a young girl who "had had a bit of a rough upbringing."

Some of the incidents allegedly occurred while the youngster was still 15 and others after her 16th birthday, when Harris was more than four years older – the standard in New Jersey for statutory rape.

If convicted of the charges, Harris would face up to 20 years in prison.

THIS IS TERRIBLE!  But even in the pictures, the body language just screams GUILTY, but we shall see how this turns out!


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#ChrisBrown & Rihanna arrive at court TOGETHER! This time they're on the same side! [video]]

Posted: 06 Feb 2013 10:49 PM PST

Now this is a very interesting occurrence.  Chris Brown was ordered to report to court yesterday about allegations that his community service completion was FABRICATED!  And guess who was RIGHT BY HIS SIDE for moral support--RIHANNA.  Get the DETAILS after the JUMP!

The judge ordered Chris Brown to meet with his probation officer about the allegations.  The judge is reviewing the documents and evidence presented by the L.A. district attorney that alleged Brown's community service completion could be in QUESTION.  He also wants to SPEAK with Brown after he sees his PROBATION officer, so......Brown is SAFE...for now.  The next hearing is set for April 5.

Rihanna was there in the court gallery seated with Brown's LEGAL TEAM!!!

Okay.. so the reason all this even is an issue is because he tried to BEAT the CRAP out of this lady, and she is sitting with the LAWYERS like it's just another day in HOLLYWOOD!!!????

REALLY??? Wow.

Well at least she holds no GRUDGES!!  If they like it I LOVE IT!!!!

My question is HOW COME everytime Chris is in court he has that same expression like he is as INNOCENT as Opie Taylor, but as soon as he DITCHES that suit and TIE SHIT, TIE SHIT, TIE SHIT (s/o to Justin Timberlake) he is BILLY BADASS again... ASK Frank.....

 I guess the JUDGE ain't buying that CHARADE NO MORE...


BUT.. I want Chris to gain a few pounds, stay out of the media for a bit and work on new music.  Stay UNDER THE RADAR for at least 6 months.  The kid is talented, but always seems to wind up on the WRONG SIDE of the law...... IJS!!

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The BIG Easy! #NewOrleansSaints baller #JohnnyPatrick NUDE pics LEAK!!!

Posted: 06 Feb 2013 05:53 PM PST

Well, the New Orleans Saints may not have made it to the Super Bowl this year, but cornerback Johnny Patrick should be very proud of another accomplishment: his body! LOL ... It seems Patrick is the latest athlete to fall victim to nude pics being leaked by a jumpoff. Unlike some celebs this has happened to though, Patrick has nothing to be ashamed of.

So, ladies (and some of you dudes... LOL) click here to see the NSFW pic of what ole Johnny boy is holdin'. And just remember, before you engage in sexting and sending nasty pics to your boo, keep in mind you may be famous one day and those pics could come back to haunt you... or in this case, make you even more famous!

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HUMP day indeed! Sensual new music from #TGT and #Prince debut today! [audio]

Posted: 06 Feb 2013 03:10 PM PST


Seems like supergroup TGT (comprised of Tank, Ginuwine, and Tyrese) and his royal badness Prince are respectively giving fans a dose of sensuality just in time for Valentine's Day. Both debuted new singles today. "Sex Never Felt Better" is the official first single from TGT, but no further details have emerged about their forthcoming album as of yet. "Breakfast Can Wait" is Prince's new offering, which follows the single "Screwdriver" that he debuted last month. Of course, as mysterious as Prince is, there is no word on whether this is just another buzz single or if he has a new project in the works. Take a listen to both new baby-makers below!

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#Havoc and #Prodigy kiss and make up! #MobbDeep reunite!! [details]

Posted: 06 Feb 2013 02:29 PM PST

All you die hard hip hop heads may be happy to learn that one of the dopest duos are getting back together after years of strife. Mobb Deep has decided to put all beef aside and rejoin forces for the sake of... what else? Money! They will perform together at the upcoming Paid Dues Festival on March 30 and then embark on an international tour to commemorate their 20th anniversary. No word yet on any plans of a new project from the duo, but they have their own individual projects -- Prodigy's album Albert Einstein and Havoc's album 13 will both be out later this year.

Get the DEETS on what caused the RIFF after the JUMP!

The duo's strife came to a head last year when Havoc took to Twitter to toast Prodigy on everything from being fake to engaging in homosexual activity while he was in jail. When confronted about the tweets, Havoc pulled a messy move, denied the whole thing saying his Twitter account had been hacked and even posed with Prodigy at a basketball game for a picture afterwards. Later, he admitted that he indeed tweeted the messages and meant what he said. Now if THAT wasn't a bitch move! I'm just glad to see that the two have reconciled their differences for whatever reasons, so they can continue to make classics like this one:

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#JayZ Signs #KylieMinogue to #RocNation! [video]

Posted: 06 Feb 2013 12:05 PM PST

 Jay Z Signs...Kylie Minogue To Roc Nation
Jay-Z continues to broker POWER DEALS while at the same time keeping the industry on its toes.  Just last week, Shawn Carter signed HIT PRODUCER and artist, Timbaland to the RocNation family, now he's signed another HUGE star--Kylie Minouge!

Kylie is a HUGE star in Australia and has made a big splash stateside as well with this HIT:

 In a statement from Jay-Z's website 'Life & Times' he made the following announcement:

Roc Nation would like to welcome Aussie singer, recording artist, songwriter, actress and designer Kylie Minogue to the family.

In a career now spanning 25 years, Kylie has released 11 studio albums, two live CDs, eight live concert DVDs, a greatest hits double album, and multiple video packages. She has released over 50 hit singles worldwide, including the Grammy-winning Come Into My World, and has sold more than 68 million albums worldwide. Needless to say, we're excited to have Kylie join the Roc fam." – Roc Nation

It appears that Mr. Carter is rebuilding a rather formidable EMPIRE again with Rita Ora, Elijah, Blake, J. Cole, Willow Smith, Timbaland and now Kylie Minogue!

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When it rains, it pours! #AllenIverson loses his Atlanta mansion

Posted: 06 Feb 2013 12:08 PM PST

They say in everyone's life some rain must fall, but lately it's been a monsoon in ex-NBA baller Allen Iverson's world! Just a few days ago, we reported that music producer Jermaine Dupri was able to save his Atlanta mansion from foreclosure, but unfortunately for Allen Iverson, he didn't fare as well. He lost his battle to save the home and it was auctioned. A.I. defaulted on the $1.2 million mortgage, which cost $4.5 million. His bank purchased it for $2.5 million. More details after the JUMP…

This isn't the first home that Iverson has lost to foreclosure. He purchased a home in Colorado while playing for the Denver Nuggets and that home was foreclosed on back in March of 2011 after he fell $2.5 million behind on the mortgage. I swear, this dude loses houses like I lose good ink pens at work! 

Iverson's money issues are nothing new, either. He reportedly made over $150 million while playing in the NBA, in addition to his endorsement deals. However, all that money was frivolously spent on jewelry, cars, clothes, and… well… houses. Iverson's not exactly DEAD broke, though. He has millions of dollars in a retirement fund that he can't touch until he's 55 and he still receives a yearly stipend of $1 million. But it still seems he's ballin' outta control and can't keep up with his finances.

As if all this weren't enough, earlier this week, A.I. was blasted in family court by a judge during the divorce proceedings between him and his former wife Tawanna for being a terrible father and an "alcoholic". She was granted full custody of their 5 children and got $3 million in the settlement (damn, that's all?). Also, Iverson was ordered to attend Alcoholics Anonymous for a year and only has limited visitation of the children. A.I., you betta get yo' life! On second thought, you betta get somebody else's because yours ain't goin' too well right now #welp!

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Star Tracks: #Rihanna and #ChrisBrown SPOTTED leaving Beverly Hills Studio! [pics]

Posted: 06 Feb 2013 11:16 AM PST

 Hot Shots: Rihanna & Chris Brown Leave Late Night Studio Session In Beverly Hills

Well these two are out and about again.  Rihanna and Chris Brown were spotted TOGETHER leaving a Beverly Hills recording studio in the WEE hours of the morning.

I guess Brown isn't letting that nasty PROBATION community service thing get in the way of him recording. Just don't haggle with him over a PARKING SPOT--you may get JABBED.

Another interesting thing is seeing these two together 5 days before the GRAMMY's.  Hmmm, hopefully everything is copacetic.  We know how these two get around GRAMMY TIME.  IJS!!

Be EASY, RIRI......

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#MarioLopez STRIPS DOWN at #TheGrove after losing #SuperBowl Bet

Posted: 06 Feb 2013 12:36 AM PST

Spent some time in the gym? Lopez often tweets about his strict exercise regime

Mario Lopez had to hold up his end of a bet he made with 'Extra' co-host,Maria Menounos on yesterday. Lopez bet that The Ravens would LOSE to the 49'ers in Sunday's Super Bowl, and as part of the deal he agreed to STRIP TO HIS SKIVVIES and run through the popular L.A. shopping spot, The Grove with a Ravens helmet on!
Ready, set, go! The star tweeted a series of photos of himself on the runReady, set, go! The star tweeted a series of photos of himself on the runReady, set, go! The star tweeted a series of photos of himself on the run
Lopez took to Twitter on Tuesday to let fans in on the gag.
'Ready.. Set... GO!!! Paying off my Super Bowl bet on @extratv Thank God for my @RatedMOfficial!' he wrote.

Check out more PICS here!
Chiselled: Maria Lopez showed off his muscled physique when he went streaking on Tuesday at The Grove in Los Angeles

Lopez was all smiles and a good sport as he PAID OFF HIS BET...in SPADES!!!

Gathering a crowd: Fans around the shopping centre emerged from stores to catch a glimpse of the television starGathering a crowd: Fans around the shopping centre emerged from stores to catch a glimpse of the television star

When you are in as good of shape as Lopez, what's a little public nudity to boost your ego!
And it's a GREAT way to ADVERTISE his underwear line too!

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