
THE GAMUTT: Entertainment /Lifestyle Blog

THE GAMUTT: Entertainment /Lifestyle Blog

#ChrisBrown LAWYERS SLAM FRAUDULENT Community service claims!

Posted: 05 Feb 2013 11:12 PM PST

Yesterday Los Angeles D.A. filed papers claiming that Chris Brown's community service papers may have been FORGED!
Chris Brown and Mark Geragos during a court proceeding in 2009

Chris Brown's attorney Mark Geragos is ready to fight. After Los Angeles Deputy District Attorney Mary Murray filed a motion Tuesday (February 5) asking the court to reject the community service Brown reportedly completed in Virginia, Geragos fired back, telling the Los Angeles Times that he encouraged the Richmond Police Department to take legal action.

"Apparently the district attorney's office has completely lost their minds," Geragos told the Times. "They are making scurrilous, libelous and defamatory statements and apparently have lost their ability to read their own reports."
In a 19-page filing, the DA's office asked the court to decline Brown's labor, which, according to Bryan Norwood, the chief of police of Richmond, Virginia, included 22 days above and beyond his required 180 hours, alleging that there were "significant discrepancies indicating at best sloppy documentation and at worst fraudulent reporting."

Prosecutors further alleged that there were inconsistencies in the hours Brown served as reported by Richmond Police, which raised doubt about the validity of his work at the Tappahannock Children's Center, where his mother, Joyce Hawkins, once served as director.

Get the rest of the details after the JUMP!

"Representations made by the Richmond Police Department regarding supervision, completion, documentation and reporting of the defendant's labor are inconsistent, unreliable and cannot be attributed to any source," the filing said.
The representations cited included an instance in March 2012, when he was reportedly picking up trash for eight hours, but a private airline's records indicate that he was en route to Cancun, Mexico. In December 2011, he was at Washington, D.C.'s Dulles International Airport after returning from a trip to Dubai, while labor records had him picking up trash for eight hours.

These inconsistencies, meticulously detailed in the scathing report, are why the DA's office made the request that Brown be forced to serve his community labor in Los Angeles under "appropriate" supervision.

Geragos, though, was adamant that Brown spent his court-ordered time "scrubbing floors, painting walls and other forms of community labor," adding that the DA "should be embarrassed" for suggesting otherwise.

The Richmond Police Department — which previously reported that Brown had, indeed, removed trash, cleaned up public parks, washed city-owned vehicles, painted, stripped and waxed floors and cleaned horse stables while serving his 180 hours — released a statement saying it would be "inappropriate to comment on a matter before the court."


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#Eve gets REAL with #TheBreakfastClub! Talks pregnancy rumors, #LilKim, #NickiMinaj and FEMALE RAP![video]

Posted: 05 Feb 2013 10:59 PM PST

Rapper Eve has been across the pond living her life, finding love and prepping for her RETURN to the rap game.  Ms. Jeffers sat down with Power 105's INFAMOUS, 'The Breakfast Club' to field A LOT of questions and to SQUELCH a few rumors too.
During the interview, Eve talks about her RICH new WHITE boyfriend, her return to 'the game', and some of her rap contemporaries and new jacks like Lil' Kim, Azealia Banks and Nicki Minaj.

When asked about the FEMALE RAP Game, Eve had this to say:
When I got in the industry I was so naïve. I would go up to [Lil] Kim and be like "Hey Kim! I used to listen to you in high school!" and girls used to be like "Oh that's cute, you cute." Girls don't be holding each other down. Me? You can call me anytime. I've never been that type of chick. I think that girls should stick together but it ain't like that.[...]There's so much testosterone in the game. These dudes work together all the time making hot records. If girls just did that and had that same mentality [that] it's not just about one and the girls that are popping we make a record together — do you know the movement?

So TRUE--females can't BEEF then let it go and make good music afterwards. They say MAD FOREVER..case in point, Foxy Brown and Lil' Kim.

Speaking of... Eve also shares her like or lack of for newjacks, Azealia Banks and Nicki Minaj too!! Check out what she had to say...after the JUMP!!!

Eve's new project 'Lip Lock' drops May 14th!!!

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#Bentley unveils a SUV for 2015! Rappers get READY! [pics]

Posted: 05 Feb 2013 10:31 PM PST

Another new fangled TOY is about to come out.  Something else for the rappers, ballers and mini MOGULS to gravitate too.  Bentley is posed to unveil a SUV for 2015!!!!

Want to see what's coming down the PIPELINE!!! CHECK after the JUMP!!!

bentley suv picture

Topspeed reports:

Volkswagen Group has finally given the green light to the EXP 9 F super-luxury SUV unveiled at the 2012 Geneva Motor Show. The production version is internally known as the "Falcon" and is expected to be unveiled in the upcoming three years. The good news is that reports are pointing toward that the production version likely dropping the controversial design of the EXP 9F concept and will adopt a more conventional Bentley look. When put on sale in will be priced at about 200,000 euro – about $271,000 at the current exchange rates. Additionally, Bentley plans to sell about 5,000 units of its new SUV per year.
2015 Bentley SUV wallpaper image
Interesting, because these are the same people that SCOFFED at Porsche's idea to create the Cayenne SUV and we all see how that has paid off.  VW is looking for that same type of HYPE.

Once the RAPPERS get aload of this, this vehicle is sure to SELL like HOTCAKES!!
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#Beyonce #Superbowl Show RATINGS BONANZA! #Madonna still RULES...Barely! [details]

Posted: 05 Feb 2013 10:15 PM PST

King Bey can pat herself on the back for a JOB WELL DONE... at least by Nielsen ratings criteria.  Beyonce's Superbowl Halftime show drew an average 104 million viewers, just shy of Madonna's 2012 show which drew in 112.5 million viewers.  GREAT NUMBERS still!
L'est we forget Madge had Nicki Minaj, M.I.A. and Cee-Lo Green too... so ....

Billboard estimates the half-hour that included Beyoncé's 14-minute extravaganza was one of the most-watched parts of the game, which Nielsen said drew an estimated viewing audience of 108.41 million. The blackout-spiked thriller between the San Francisco 49ers and Baltimore Ravens ended up as the third most-watched show in TV history.
Beyonce told "Extra" after the performance:

"All the hard work, five months of preparation, and it was really great." She was also thrilled about sharing the stage again with Michelle and Kelly, adding, "It really was a magnificent night for me and the girls."
The success of Sunday's halftime show also fueled a renewed interest in each of the ladies solo and group projects on the charts as well.

By Monday afternoon, 16 Beyonce/Destiny's Child singles and 12 solo and DC albums had jumped onto the iTunes sales chart. Kelly Rowland saw a sales increase with her 2 new singles, 'Ice' and 'Kisses Down Low' and Michelle Williams made gains as well. Beyoncé's digital sales were up by more than 230 percent and DC's sales exploded by more than 600 percent!

So all in all a BIG win for the Ladies of Destiny!!! Maybe 'Destiny' hasn't been fulfilled JUST YET...

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F-Bomb! The OTHER one- #ChrisBrown called #FrankOcean a FAGGOT during brawl!? [details]

Posted: 05 Feb 2013 02:17 PM PST

I was waiting for this one.  This is the first thing I thought would come about in the whole Chris Brown/Frank Ocean brawl--the F-Bomb...no the other one.
People in general feel the best way to TOTALLY insult a man is to QUESTION their sexuality and the one word that does just that is 'FAGGOT'.

Now reports are surfacing that Chris Brown may have called Frank Ocean the F-Word during the FIGHT.

DETAILS after the jump!!!

During the fight over a parking space, words were exchanged and according to Frank Ocean's account given to police, he was 'punched' in the face after Ocean told Brown he had taken his parking space.

After than, two member of Brown's entourage jumped in to help and cornered Ocean and tried to kick him.    Ocean also alleges he heard the F-word, but it is unclear as to who said it.

After Ocean's now infamous 'open letter' where he revealed he once had a relationship with a male, his sexuality has been fodder for comics, blogs and etc.

You can see the FULL Police REPORT HERE!

Let's keep an EYE on this one.... it could get UGLIER...

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#ChrisBrown FAKED his Community Service!?!! D.A. moves to VIOLATE his PROBATION! [details]

Posted: 05 Feb 2013 01:37 PM PST

Well, well well, look what we have here.  It appears that Chris Brown maybe in VIOLATION of his probation due to FAKED community service in connection to the Rihanna case!?!?!?

The L.A. district attorney has filled the documents claiming that papers attesting to Chris Brown completing his community service may have been forged!
GET THE SALACIOUS Details after the JUMP!!!

A D.A. is saying that Chris Brown may have lied about community service that was completed.

Bryan T. Norwood, the Chief of Police in Richmond, VA., wrote a letter to the judge on September 14 , claiming Brown successfully completed 202 days of community service. Brown was only required to 180 hours, but he 'went the extra mile'--maybe not.

A great portion of the alleged community service was done at Tappahannock Children's Center. But the thing is, Brown's mother has CONNECTIONS to this place--she was once the DIRECTOR.

According to legal docs obtained by TMZ, the Richmond P.D. admits they only supervised Brown on 9 or 10 occasions and on all other dates he was not supervised by anyone.

WAIT THERE'S MORE. The detective who had been assigned to oversee Brown's community service was told she did not have to continue monitoring at the Children's Center. The times, location and types of duty were provided by Chris Brown's very own mother!

So you see where this is going right???

Sources tell TMZ ... there's no way Chris could have performed community service on some of the days, because he was out of the country doing concerts.

The D.A. calls Chris' documentation "at best sloppy ... and at worst fraudulent reporting."

The D.A. is asking the judge to reject Chris' alleged Virginia community service hours and make him fulfill his obligation in L.A. County.

By the way, the D.A. claims Chris' mom was responsible for orchestrating work at the Children's Center outside of normal operating hours and a key administrator told the D.A. she NEVER saw Chris perform any work at the center.

And the D.A. is also saying there are other possible probation violations, including:

-- The Frank Ocean fight at the recording studio
-- Brown testing positive for pot
-- Failing to obtain a travel permit
-- Allegedly grabbing and throwing a fan's phone in Miami
-- Throwing a chair through a window at "Good Morning America"

This D.A. is out for BLOOD!!! We will see where this goes!!!

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#LilKim gets a NEW FACE!....again. [Shocking Pics]

Posted: 05 Feb 2013 12:54 PM PST

Somebody GRAB Lil' Kim and HOLD HER TIGHT!  She needs an embrace from her friends and family so that she can get a grip on this PLASTIC SURGERY OBSESSION she appears to have.

 Over the years, we have seen KIM 'MORPH' from a rough edged STREET CHIC with slightly buck teeth into what appears to be some AVATAR-LIKE FELINE!
I ragged on Kim last week when she was seen spotted in L.A. for the NAACP Image Awards.

Kim was onset of her new artist, Tiffany Foxx's video, 'Twisted' which features Miley Cyrus.  Well at least  Kim is working.  But check out this LOOK:

So Kim must not have been too thrilled with this look either because just a week later Kim unveils her NEW FACE!!! 
Check out the NEW and IMPROVED LIL'KIM after the JUMP

Dare I say this is an IMPROVEMENT?? She actually looks ....somewhat better, considering.  I mean we will never have the CUTE, ride or die for B.I.G. Kim face anymore, but we can LIVE with this one for a minute.

Cheek bones, check.
No Top Lip, check.
Jackson-esque nose, check.

Kim is well on her way to becoming  ASIAN!  You go KIM!!! Or shall we call her Kim CHE....

Maybe some of the SURGERY money should be going to studio time to make an ALBUM! Hmmmm... Now there's a THOUGHT.

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#LLH star Jen the Pen & #Raqi FIGHT! #Consequence DEFENDS her 'RACIST' comment on Twitter! [details]

Posted: 05 Feb 2013 11:32 AM PST

I have to admit I don't follow the show.  Just have not been able to get into Love & Hip Hop ' since the departure of Jim, Chrissy and the rest.  But apparently the NEWBIES are stirring up DRAMA..well TV DRAMA.. enough for it to spill out onto Twitter.

On last night's episode, there was an ARGUMENT between Jen the Pen and Raqi Thunder.  Jen was upset at some things Raqi had said in an earlier interview and voiced her STRONG opinion about it.

In the midst of the 'arguement' it appears that Raqi calls Jen "entitled" and says "Have fun trying to get hot." Then Jen responds with, "I'm white, honey it will get done."

Stop the needle on the RECORD--'I'm WHITE, honey it will get done."??? What's up with that ?
Then there is some hub bub about Consequence, 'black penis' and 'honky' thrown in there and Jen the Pen storms off saying that, "I'll get on with my whiteness."

So everybody starts throwing around racist comments and stereotypes and this sets TWITTER on FIRE!!!

Love & Hip Hop
Get More:
Love & Hip Hop, Love and Hip Hop 3
Fans of the show quickly began to PICK SIDES... So Consequence had to step into to defend Jen!
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SO... i guess their rationale is that RACIST comments ARE OK....in the "HEAT On MOMENT", as Jen so eloquently puts it.

Hmmph.. I may have to start watching this show after all...

This comedy at its best.. but it goes to show how THE EDITOR...like myself, can TWIST things to make you guys believe what we WANT!!! *INSERT EVIL LAUGH*!

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Mag Tag: #IdrisElba covers #GQ! Talks insecurities and SEX SYMBOL STATUS! [pics]

Posted: 05 Feb 2013 11:10 AM PST

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British DJ turned ACTOR graces the latest edition of of British GQ!  In the issue Elba talks about aging, his insecurities and dealing with his SEX SYMBOL status.

Get some highlights from the mag here:

On responding to people finding him incredibly sexy
'The irony is I wake up every morning, look at myself in the mirror and think, "Woah, I look like a piece of s***",' said the Hackney lad turned Hollywood superstar. 'You watch yourself age and it's hard to feel like a sex symbol.'

On responding to the female fans who fawn over him
'I'm not sure what it is they see, not to mention that, personally, I feel very awkward. There's no way all those women would ever sleep with me and go, "I really liked him". Some of them would go, "He was really boring or he was a bit aggressive or, urgh, actor." But it's a compliment and it's a massive tool to use in sculpting a career, especially with what I do for a living because I work in the face business. So it's a compliment and I use it accordingly.'

There is a RUMOR about Elba possibly being in the running to play James Bond!!?? Get the SCOOP..after the JUMP!

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On playing the next James Bond
It's a rumour. And, I have to tell you, if the producers of Bond thought that I was self-campaigning, it would be such a turn-off. I'm flattered, obviously but I've been advised to just pipe down about it.'

'Apparently, Daniel Craig said I'd be a great Bond. Daniel, why did you say that? Dropped me right in it! What an honour it would be, but also, what an indication of change. I know Ian Fleming lived in Jamaica for a long time, didn't he? I think it's interesting to think what he would have made of a black man playing Bond.'

For more the March edition of GQ hits stands and online Feb.7

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New Music: #Wale 'Bad' feat. #TiaraThomas [audio]

Posted: 05 Feb 2013 12:09 AM PST

There is nothing like a SULTRY CHORUS slinking over the sounds of BED SQUEAKS to get you in the MOOD,,,,RIGHT???

MMG rapper Wale dropped his 'Folarin' mixtape and one of the stand-out cuts from it is the single, 'Bad' that features singer/songwriter, Tiara Thomas.  Thomas coos on the chorus:

Is it bad that I never made love, no I never did it but I sure know how to , I'll be your bad girl, I'll prove it to you I can't promise that I'll be good to you cause I had some issue, I won't commit No, not having it, But at least I can admit that I'll be bad (to you), Yea I'll be good in bed but I'll be bad to you
Wale had this to say about the meaning of 'Bad':

Bad is about a girl that's good in bed but she's not good for you. She's just down for sex. Or it can be either way. The guy, he's just down for sex. It's a natural thing that happens with humans. We gravitate towards things that we don't need or the we know is not good for us. Especially when the physical is more prominent than other aspects of the relationship. The sex is so good that it overpowers everything else that is going on in the relationship.
We've all been there at least ONCE.  You get TRAPPED by the INTIMATE PLEASURES that you get blinded that that person is NOT GOOD for you and sometimes u get PULLED UNDER and 'drown' in the 'waters'.  But enough talk, take a LISTEN to the FIERY yet COLD Track:


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