
THE GAMUTT: Entertainment /Lifestyle Blog

THE GAMUTT: Entertainment /Lifestyle Blog

Pastor #JamalBryant back in the NEWS! Says FEMINIZED Black Church breeds 'Sanctified Sissies'!

Posted: 07 Jun 2014 12:36 PM PDT

Megachurch Preacher Jamal Bryant is back in the news again, this time for his VIEWS on the FEMONIZATION of the Black church. Bryant made HEADLINES last week when he quoted a line from Chris Brown's hit song, 'Loyal'. To an UPROAR of applause and guffaws during a recent sermon, Bryant said, 'These Hoes Ain't Loyal'.

He is stirring the pot again with his views on the Black Church and how they WELCOME and CULTIVATE what he calls 'SANCTIFIED SISSIES'! This is sure to RUFFLE some feathers, but read closely...he makes some valid points.

Megachurch preacher Jamal Bryant of the Empowerment Temple in Baltimore, Maryland, says the westernization of the church worship experience has resulted in the black church becoming a place that's comfortable for women and "sanctified sissies."

Pointing to a culture that's increasingly paying attention to the needs of women, while marginalizing the importance of men in the family, Bryant explained in a recent message posted on YouTube that the same mindset has seeped into the church fostering a culture that makes it difficult for men to find their place in the church.

"When the new deal was offered up the only way a black family could receive food stamps or welfare — men had to be pushed out of the house," began Bryant in explaining the genesis of the modern-day assault on the black family.

"It was not that they [fathers] did not have an affinity or affection for their wives or their children, but the government set up such a structure in order for the children to receive aid no father could be present," he said.
This situation resulted in not only a problem for the black family but a problem for the church as well.

"In the absence of a black male presence, then the family is no longer defended. Why is this a problem? When a black woman comes to church she has, in fact, a 50 to 60 percent chance of the whole family coming with her. But when a black man comes to church it is an 85 percent chance that everybody is going to come," said Bryant.

"So now we come to churches that are just feminized with a church full of women, but you got a mosque full of men. It says it's not that men are not spiritual, they want a place of discipline and order and focus. Men do not want to come to church just for an emotional outpour," Bryant noted.

"But because we have westernized our worship experience, everybody wants to shout and sashay because we made the church comfortable for men not to be men, but to be sanctified sissies," he said.

Pastor Bryant pointed out, however, that God wants the church to get rid of that mindset and charged that men should not have to choose between their masculinity and love for God in church.

"So it says to us, how is it that I can get to a place that you can love God but no longer be a man? But God says, I'm raising up real men that understand that I do not have to disavow my masculinity in order to embrace my spirituality," he said to a cheering congregation.

"I know y'all don't like it. But I'm not supposed to be politically correct. I'm supposed to be biblically correct, and when you know the Word of God, you understand that there is a destroyer," he explained.

Bryant further argued that the assault on the black family has also now spread to included not just men, but black women, whom he said are becoming the fastest growing prison population — young black women between the ages of 18 and 35, who are being locked up "for refusing to testify against their men."

"The attack has shifted from our sons to our daughters," said Bryant, who noted that there is now a greater number of young black lesbians than black homosexuals.

"And they are becoming younger and younger. But I came to tell the devil you are a liar," said Bryant.

Contact: leonardo.blair@christianpost.com; follow me on Twitter @leoblair

There are some VALID points here and some FLAWED ones as well.  For MORE INFO on this DEBATE

Click the BOOK!

The BLACK CHURCH is AGAINST GAYS for the most part, but a GAY or EFFEMINATE MAN seems to get a PASS, if he is in THE SPIRIT!  Weird, but true.  Think on it for a minute.

Saturday Slingback -Birthday Edition- #Prince 'I Wanna Be Your Lover' [video]

Posted: 07 Jun 2014 11:05 AM PDT

It's NICE OUT! And it just so happens to be his ROYAL BADDNESS, Prince's BIRTHDAY TOO.  He doesn't believe in BDAYS anymore. but we DO.  Let's take it back with a CLASSIC JAM from the MUSIC VISIONARY, Prince.

Prince - I Wanna Be Your Lover (Official Video) by Prince-Official



#ANTM Runner-Up to PORTRAY #WhitneyHouston in upcoming biopic! [details]

Posted: 07 Jun 2014 10:49 AM PDT

You may remember her as the AFRO-CENTRIC model from cycle 3 of 'America's Next Top Model', but YaYa DaCosta or YaYa Alafia (married name) has done a LOT since coming in # 2 on the hit reality competition show.

 MOST RECENTLY, she has just been cast to play the ICONIC Whitney Houston in an upcoming biopic coming to the small screen.  This movie will mark the DIRECTORIAL DEBUT of film legend, Angela Bassett.  YaYa was most recently seen in 'The Butler' along with countless other features.

The movie will air on Lifetime and the script was written by Shem Bitterman ("Betty & Coretta" - the Lifetime Original Movie that Bassett starred in last year). Larry Sanitsky (who produced "Betty & Coretta") will also produce "Whitney Houston."

From their track record, Lifetime will do this story JUSITICE I'm sure. We will keep you UPDATED as more details come.

Congrats to YaYa and Ms. Bassett.


#TLC SLAM #Rihanna for NUDITY! Rihanna CLAPS BACK! [video

Posted: 07 Jun 2014 10:06 AM PDT

It APPEARS that there is an OLD School/NEW school twitter 'beef' brewing between GROUNDBREAKING Pop group, TLC and Rihanna.  TLC are about to embark on a world tour and one of their first stops was in Australia.  While preppring for the tour. T-Boz & Chili stopped by the Sunrise Btreakfast show for promo and had some choice words about Rihanna.  T-Boz had this to say about the new stars and how SEX apparently sells these days.  Namely, her comments seemed to be aimed at Rihanna:

"Every time I see you, you don't have to be naked," said T-Boz. "It is what it is, I call it spade of spade. We sold and became the biggest girl-selling group of all-time with our clothes on, that says a lot. It's easy to sell sex….we can go around with boobie cakes out all day long."


See for your self:

Now she did not SAY anybody's name in particular. But the way the show was edited--there were CLIPS of RIHANNA videos splashed in the mix for you to IMPLY what you wish. Like NeNe Leakes says,"A hit dog will holla', and 'HOLLA' it did, because BAD GAL Rihanna must have taken some offense to the implication. Rihanna, know for her CYBER bullying and SOCIAL MEDIA BEEFS, was quick to REMIND TLC, that they TOO used sex to sell their music as well. She changed her Twitter background to a THROWBACK photo of the then TRIO exposing a little more than CONDOMS and Cross Colours...

BAM!!!  Rihanna AIN'T PLAYING!  Now on the one hand I see where TLC is coming from NOW.  They are  seasoned artists, mothers, business women--so their priorities and values and etc are different, NOW.  In 2014, I get their side of things.  In this era, talent is second sometimes 3rd on the list of IMPORTANT FACTORS an artist needs to have to SELL.  Back in the DAY, you had to rely on your TALENT first.  IT'S NOT LIKE THAT ANYMORE.  TLC has done their fair share of SELLING SEX TOO.  'Red Light Special' 'Take Our Time' and he like,did push the sexual envelope.  So RiRi was REMINDING them that they TOO straddled that LINE pretty closely.  That being said, they are LIVING LEGENDS and ICONS and should be RESPECTED as SUCH.  Rihanna has a BEAUTIFUL body and does not mind showing it off.  IT WORKS for HER.  It sells and drives HER 'machine'.  The endorsements and mag spreads come because of her LOOK and MUSIC.  But when we are dealing with legends like TLC, if RiRi FELT they were targeting her, sometimes it's best to just take the high ROAD and not SAY ANYTHING.  People will talk, people will JUDGE and people will CRITICIZE.  So the BEST thing to do it KEEP DOING WHAT YOU DO and IGNORE the HATERS and keep making your CASH however way YOU feel necessary.  IJS.

OOPS! Let's see where this GOES...hopefully NOWHERE...

WATCH #MayaAngelou Memorial Service NOW!!!! #HonoringMaya [LIVESTREAM]

Posted: 07 Jun 2014 07:58 AM PDT

Dr. Maya Angelou's MEMORIAL SERVICE in going down RIGHT NOW on OWN!!




SCANDAL! #UNC's #RashadMcCants says tutors/advisors DID his school work so he could play ball! [details]

Posted: 07 Jun 2014 05:06 AM PDT

This is been NO SECRET--people just look the other way because of MONEY!  Athlete academic eligibility!  WE ALL KNOW that a GREAT percentage of ATHLETES are not SMART ENOUGH to get into top NCAA schools let alone be able to juggle the rigorous academic part of college with the RIGORS of a grueling athletic season.  You would almost have to be a ROBOT to keep up in school and be a FORCE on the court/field, etc.  That's why it comes as no surprise that some school's athletic programs offer, 'EXTRA' help to make sure their players are academically eligible. former UNC player Rashad McCants is SPEAKING OUT saying he hardly went to class, and that tutors and advisers did most of his work so he could play!  Are we SURPRISED?  We shouldn't be.  I went to an esteemed university and I was a tutor for the athletic department and I know FIRSTHAND that I've even did papers, tests, etc for athletes that went on to be SUCCESSFUL NBA/NFL/MLB players... Hmmm thinking back..I need to contact some of these players to get some reparations for all my HARD WORK that has gotten them where they need to be TODAY! LOL. I digress, but McCants his spilling the UGLY TRUTH about this situation, and it's rather SALACIOUS!  Get the DETAILS after the JUMP!

Rashad McCants, the second-leading scorer on the North Carolina basketball team that won the 2004-05 national title, told ESPN's "Outside the Lines" that tutors wrote his term papers, he rarely went to class for about half his time at UNC, and he remained able to play largely because he took bogus classes designed to keep athletes academically eligible.

McCants told "Outside the Lines" that he could have been academically ineligible to play during the championship season had he not been provided the assistance. Further, he said head basketball coach Roy Williams knew about the "paper-class" system at UNC. The so-called paper classes didn't require students to go to class; rather, students were required to submit only one term paper to receive a grade.

McCants also told "Outside the Lines" that he even made the Dean's List in Spring 2005 despite not attending any of his four classes for which he received straight-A grades. He said advisers and tutors who worked with the basketball program steered him to take the paper classes within the African-American Studies program.

McCants' allegations mirror and amplify many of those first made public in 2011, when the Raleigh (N.C.) News & Observer began to report about widespread academic fraud at UNC. The scandal has centered on the African-American Studies classes that many athletes took in order to remain eligible. The newspaper reported in December 2012 that basketball players on the national championship team accounted for 15 enrollments in the classes. A UNC internal investigation found that 54 classes in the department of African and Afro-American Studies were either "aberrant" or "irregularly" taught from summer 2007 to summer 2011. That investigation only went back to 2007, according to the school's review, because the two senior associate deans who conducted the probe were told by Karen Gil, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, to focus on that time frame.

[Via: ESPN]

This is no surprise and goes on EVERYDAY at top SCHOOLS, and not so top schools as well. Will something be done about it? Probably not! But at least some LIGHT had been shed on the problem.  Of course officials from the UNC athletic department are DENYING these allegations.  What did we EXPECT?  Did we think they would ADMIT to it!?  They are supposed to DENY.  It's interesting that McCants never said anything while he was a student at UNC...only now he is speaking out.  We all know he ENJOYED the benefits of be an athlete for the program.  Look at him now.... LIVING THE LIFE... So who's at fault?


Vibes from the Vault: #Aaliyah 'Don't Think They Know' [video]

Posted: 07 Jun 2014 04:04 AM PDT


What else can be said... It's always GREAT to hear some Aaliyah, right?  This is a fan made video made from Aaliyah's contribution to Chris Brown's 'Don't Think They Know'.  I think he did PRETTY DAMN GOOD... Check it OUT...

Aaliyah 4 EVER.....


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