
Dumb Little Man: 5 Ways To Start Being Productive Today

Dumb Little Man: 5 Ways To Start Being Productive Today

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5 Ways To Start Being Productive Today

Posted: 12 Jun 2014 06:06 AM PDT

productive-peopleBeing productive is hard. We have access to thousands of distractions thanks to the internet, and then there's the stuff we have around us; kids, dogs, people mowing their lawns, the neighbors loud music… It's an endless sea of distractions. But there are tips that can help alleviate these problems, and they're actually pretty easy to use. You're forcing productivity Here's the thing with productivity, it's not something that you can just bulldog your way through. Well… you could do that, but you'd be burned out in no time doing so. And that's the problem, you're trying to force productivity when it just doesn't work. You don't know effective productivity tips If you're the kind of person who forces productivity (unsuccessfully), then I'm betting you're […]

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