
Dumb Little Man: 8 Negative Thought Patterns That Are Hurting Your Relationships

Dumb Little Man: 8 Negative Thought Patterns That Are Hurting Your Relationships

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8 Negative Thought Patterns That Are Hurting Your Relationships

Posted: 09 Jun 2014 05:39 AM PDT

negativityWhen the negative thoughts come – and they will; they come to all of us – it’s not enough to just not dwell on it… You’ve got to replace it with a positive thought. ~ Joel Osteen Has someone ever told you that you were negative? How did you react to this comment? Some of us might say, "Who me?" Others might stay quite but, the mind would be racing around guiltily looking for examples. We all have some negative patterns. Negative thought patterns are habits that we have accumulated over time. Some come through our families, some from teachers or mentors, some from society, some from the media and the list goes on. A key to transforming negative patterns is to recognize them. Once […]

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