
Dumb Little Man: Downtime? 25 Alternatives to Reaching for Your Smartphone

Dumb Little Man: Downtime? 25 Alternatives to Reaching for Your Smartphone

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Downtime? 25 Alternatives to Reaching for Your Smartphone

Posted: 11 Jun 2014 05:56 AM PDT

smartphonejunkiesYou may not realize it, but you're a drug addict. The drug I'm talking about is your smartphone. You can't deny it. The first moment you have a second free, what do you reach for? You're waiting for the train or the bus. Or you've just gotten out of a meeting. You've been disconnected for like, 27 minutes now! Got to check what's going on in the world. Did you get an email? Did someone "like" your status? Did you get retweeted? You've gotta know now. Don't get me wrong, I'm just as guilty as you. I know whenever there's an "in-between" moment I automatically—it's a reflex—reach for my smartphone. I notice my pulse elevate slightly in anticipation just before I get that first hit: […]

The post Downtime? 25 Alternatives to Reaching for Your Smartphone appeared first on Dumb Little Man.

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