
Dumb Little Man: These 5 Every Day Distractions Will Suck Your Life Away if You Let Them

Dumb Little Man: These 5 Every Day Distractions Will Suck Your Life Away if You Let Them

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These 5 Every Day Distractions Will Suck Your Life Away if You Let Them

Posted: 18 Jun 2014 05:46 AM PDT

Don__t_Waste_Your_Life_2_by_thetyrantWe live in a world where almost everyone is in a rush – whether it's getting to a meeting venue on time, submitting work notes on schedule, beating traffic so as not be late to work or school – these are just some of the common scenarios that mirror how hectic our schedule have become. With so many things to do in 24-hours, we seldom get the chance of getting everything done. When did things get so complicated??? Sometimes you have to sit back and ask yourself honestly: When was the last time you felt good because you were able to clear out your to do list? Can't remember? That's not surprising at all. Now, if we've been spending hours rushing to get from one […]

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