
Dumb Little Man: 6 Uncommon Lessons About Success and Happiness from Theodore Roosevelt

Dumb Little Man: 6 Uncommon Lessons About Success and Happiness from Theodore Roosevelt

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6 Uncommon Lessons About Success and Happiness from Theodore Roosevelt

Posted: 02 Jun 2014 05:49 AM PDT

kljasdfjdsaklfd  The Internet is in love with Theodore Roosevelt. Whether it's a photo of him riding a moose or admiring his impressive facial hair, millennials have put him up on a pedestal. And yet, despite all of the admiration, few seem to really take to heart much of what Roosevelt had to say about the world – and about life. Roosevelt lived a life worth admiring, it's true – he read thousands of books, wrote a bunch of books himself, served in various levels of government (including, of course, the role of President of the United States), fought in wars, and nurtured a lifelong love of nature. And that's just a taste of what he accomplished. But what lessons have we learned from him? If […]

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