
Dumb Little Man: 5 Ways Thinking Like a Child Can Change Your Life

Dumb Little Man: 5 Ways Thinking Like a Child Can Change Your Life

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5 Ways Thinking Like a Child Can Change Your Life

Posted: 05 Jun 2014 05:33 AM PDT

Silliness+makes+your+soul+smileIn some ways, our society seems dedicated to eliminating childhood. We often tell kids to stop acting like a child and grow up. Even the word "childish" has a negative tone to it. At some point in all our lives, we stop being kids and start being adults. Eventually we all put down our toys and stop playing so we can take on bigger responsibilities. But as we grow up, we might be letting go of a little more than we should. Kids see the world in ways that we lose as an adult. When you're young, you use your mind in creative, imaginative ways that can help you throughout your entire life, not just childhood. There's a lot of hidden potential in thinking like […]

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