
THE GAMUTT: Entertainment /Lifestyle Blog

THE GAMUTT: Entertainment /Lifestyle Blog

#XMen producer, #JohnPalermo goes on RACIST/Homophobic rant against #KanyeWest #AndersonCooper and MORE!

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 11:17 PM PDT


Racism is still ALIVE and 'WELL'.  John Palermo who has produced some of the X-Men films has the INTERNET BUZZING after a slew of racist AND homophobic comments he made against Kanye West, Julie Chen and Anderson Cooper!  Check out what he had to say and his REASON FOR the RANT!  I mean how can you EXPLAIN calling a black person a NIGGER or linking a gay person to HIV??? Check out what he had to say on FACEBOOK!

via BET

Hollywood is no stranger to controversy, but producer John Palermo took it too far this week when he posted a series of rude, racist remarks on his Facebook page. Palermo, who was once Hugh Jackman's partner and produced films like X-Men Origins: Wolverine, called out Kanye West, Anderson Cooper and TV host Julie Chen in his bigoted commentary on pop culture and entertainment news.

"There goes the neighborhood!!!" the Los Angeles native posted upon reading that Kim Kardashian and West had purchased a mansion in tony Bel-Air. "It looks like a Poor Persian Palace, where's Kris Jenner when you need her?! #MoneyCantBuyADumbN****Class"

In response to an article about Anderson Cooper attending the opening of his boyfriend's gay bar, he simply typed: "#SmellsLikeLubeAndHIV."

Of Julie Chen, the Chinese-American daytime talk show host, who is married to CBS chief Les Moonves and recently admitted having eyelid surgery to help her career, he wrote: "I'm crazy about Julie Chen!!! Now that her eyes are finally open, she should leave Monster Moonves."

Palermo's Facebook page has since been taken down, but the producer isn't keeping a low profile in the wake of the controversy. Instead, he is doubling down on his comments, claiming they were made to raise awareness about prejudice in Hollywood: "Maybe people [who take offense] will look in the mirror and say, 'When was the last time I called Les Moonves and asked for an African-American to play opposite me?'"

The producer's last major film credit was 2012′s Drive, starring Ryan Gosling, and he claims to now be taking a "sabbatical" from his career. We'd like to think that with views like these, he'll never work in this town again.


Sunday Energy Shot #JanetJackson 'Runaway/Miss U Much/Think of You Medley [video]

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 02:35 PM PDT


It's the PERFECT TIME FOR a MEDLEY of Janet Jackson's HITS, right???  Sometimes you just want to RUNAWAY, when you MISS that special one so MUCH... Just take an ESCAPADE, if you can't jet away..get away in your MIND.




#Game SIGNS to #CashMoney!!?? [details]

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 02:43 PM PDT

There has been RUMBLINGS for months that West Coast rapper, Game was signing to Cash Money.  Game lit fire to that on Instagram by posting a photo of the Cash Money chains...Embed will fill 100% of its container. Good if your focus is mobile.

Woke up feeling a lil different this morning thanks to@jasonofbh compliments of @birdman5star ....... you got ya self a killa potna... PJ to MIA eating alphabet soup on the Aerion Supersonic... Every time you see a nigga "Stunt Nigga" #RichGang #CashMoney#HatersCantSitHere #AndSoItWasSaid#NiggasAintFuckinWitMe #5Hunna

HMMM... I guess he is a LITTLE DIFFERENT this morning...DIFFERENT LABEL.  And to add to this...

SO WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?  Is it a GOOD MOVE for Game to be on a LABEL with SO MANY ACTS!??  
IF we know anything about Game, I am sure he has mapped out a SWEET DEAL to take his whole Black Wall Street imprint over to the label.  And unlike a lot of other ARTISTS signed to YMCMB, Game is VERY MUCH MARKETABLE and his music WILL COME OUT.  Game is not one to sit on the BACK BURNER while other's come out before him.  And this works again to his favor because YMCMB is the home to Drake, Nicki Wayne, Birdman, Tyga, Busta to say a few, so he has a BEVY of potential FEATURES for his NEXT PROJECT!  'Jesus Piece' was DOPENESS PERSONIFIED, but got SLEPT ON.  Maybe this NEW situation will bring that MACHINE that Game needs behind him to get back to the 'Documentary' type NUMBERS!!!


HIV+ school teacher INDICTED for Child Molestation and OTHER CHARGES! [details]

Posted: 13 Oct 2013 04:33 PM PDT

Philip Burns (pictured), a former elementary school teacher of the year who was arrested last November, was recently indicted for child molestation, according to prosecutors. A five-count indictment filed Wednesday charged the HIV-positive Burns with child molestation, aggravated child molestation, reckless conduct, child enticement and criminal solicitation, according to WALB News 10.


Burns worked as a third grade teacher for a magnet school in Dougherty County, Ga., from 2008 until 2012. Last year, he was deemed a worthy candidate for "Teacher of the Year." According to investigators, none of elementary school children were Burns' victims.

Last year, Burns left his post at the magnate school for a job in Muscogee County. The teen boys he did allegedly target were the junior leaguers of a fraternity and, according to the Albany district attorney's office, Burns in the capacity of a mentor somehow "weaseled" his way into the organization.
The Burns case got jumpstarted by a complaint that came through to the Dougherty County School Police from the parent of a 15-year-old boy. Though Burns was no longer with the school district, the investigators would not drop the case.
"There was a hideous crime that had been committed. The possibility of several different incidents," Dougherty County School Police Chief Troy Conley told WALB. "And although he had moved on, and was no longer here in Dougherty County, we did have information he was part of a school system in Muscogee County, Georgia."

When Burns was arrested last November, it was then that authorities discovered his HIV status and also charged him with felony reckless conduct. A person engaging in intercourse or oral sex with someone while failing to disclose his or her positive HIV status is committing a criminal offense punishable by up to 10 years in prison under Georgia law. Authorities say Burns knew of his HIV status at the time he was reportedly engaging in sexual acts with the children.
Now the D.A. and School Police Investigators are reaching out to other possible victims.
"There is always the possibility that there may have been other victims out there. And hopefully if they are, they will develop the courage to come forward," Conley told WALB. "We're concerned about their well being and their health at this point."
Dougherty County School Police is asking anyone else with concerns about Philip Burns to call them at 229-431-1812 and to seek medical treatment at once.
Meanwhile, Burns is out of jail on bond. Police officials have contacted the state's Professional Standards Commission to ensure that Burns is not allowed to seek employment at any schools within the state.


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